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"hyung!.. h-he scratched me again."

seokjin sighed from where he had on the other end of the couch, a spoonful of ice cream in his mouth as someone on the tv screamed bloody murder. he looked over at where his best friend sat with his hand in his lap as he looked at the enemy near by. the other male began to grab his ice cream and move towards the elder.

"it's probably cause you smell like a dog."

"well its not my fault Yeontan loves to cuddle with me! also jimin likes to cuddle too.." taehyung mumbles off as he shoves his own spoon into his mouth. seokjin's smile deflates a little as he watches his pet jump off the the arm of the couch and walk into another room. the way its tail swayed low told him that he got bored way too quickly.

"yunji isnt any harm, i know that."

he did in fact know cause he's witnessed a few soft things the feline has done when no one is watching. it makes his heart cry.

companion;yoonjin Where stories live. Discover now