hello there.

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"damn cat! why did you have to feed it last week, now he's back!"

taehyung rubbed the back of his head where his manager had swatted him for what he did.

"hey, it wasn't entirely my fault! seokjin hyung also made it come back!" he whined out loud to the man who shook his head and began to walk away. a piece of bread was thrown at his face making him flinch,"it liked him so much it came back- stop throwing bread at me, hyung!"

seokjin bite at his bottom lip at the mention of the little thing possibly liking him more than he liked taehyung who tried everything to get the kitten to like him as well.

on a rainy night last week, there was a small, black matted furred kitty who shivered under some shelter out in the back of the shelter he worked at. the younger let out a noise when he noticed it curled up searching for its own warmth. taehyung couldn't bring himself to get back to work when the kitty was looking this way in the cold rain, so he went to sneak a piece of ham from the mini fridge the employees used.

"maybe it doesn't like you cause you feed it only ham." seokjin's words made taehyung stick his tongue at him.

seokjin remembers first laying his hand on the kitten. he remembers how he softly spoke to him, the cat looking at back into his eyes, and he read something he never liked to voice out. seokjin hardly talks or thinks about the first time he met yoongi because he'd like to keep that mostly to himself which is silly to think about considering that no one could read his mind. seokjin liked yoongi the most when he purred against his palm, the fur screamed for a much needed bath. in need to get rid of the bad moments the poor thing had gone through weeks prior. seokjin whispers his promises of cat food he might like, and got eyes full of hope as his response.

seokjin never breaks his promises.

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