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Ariana's POV

I slept at the plane and the flight went fast, soon I was home in Florida and my mum would pick me up at the airport. I haven't told her the whole story yet, just that I was coming home and that I'm sad and I'll explain later. She probably figured it out though, since it's all over the internet and she's not dumb.

When I landed on the airport I got security to escort me to the back where my mum would be. I saw her and started running. She opened her arms and caught me in her embrace. I totally broke down. The sadness took over and tears started flowing.

She pulled me over to the car and opened the back door for me, I climbed in and sat in the middle. She had brought big pillows and blankets for the ride, so I sat in the middle of them. Getting a cozy bed feeling.

She sat down in the drivers seat and drove off. Not even questioning it.

We got home and she helped me up to my room. I fell face first down on my bed and cried some more.
"Honey... do you wanna talk about it?" My mum asked.

"Well no, but I have to don't I?" I said and sat up.

"Well I figured out about Pete and I'm so sorry love, but have you spoken to him?" She raised and eyebrow at me.

"No I haven't. But if he wants to keep me, he should try and contact me. It was his doing and his mistake so he have to clean up, mum."

"Yeah, I agree. Have you checked your phone? Maybe he's trying to call you?" She said and walked over to the door. "I'll leave you to it, come down and eat in a bit, Frankie are coming home too and I'm making pancakes." She said and winked at me.

"Okay." Was all I managed to say. She walked out and closed the door. I leaned over to my jacket and pulled out my phone. There was 27 missed calls from Pete. No messages though. Maybe he's still drunk. Maybe he's not even aware of me not being home. Maybe he's-

My thoughts got stopped by my phone lighting up. Caller ID: Pete💍💜

I picked up and put it on speaker.

Ariana, I'm so sorry...

He didn't even sound drunk, he sounded sober.

I know what I've done. And that it's not just to forgive me. But this was a drunk mistake. I've never regretted anything in my life so much. I'm so so so sorry baby.

He was on the verge of crying. So I spoke up.

Baby huh? Was that what you called that slut while screwing her?!

And then I hung up. There was no way he could get away with this. I am so broken, so humiliated, so tired of loving and not getting the same back. Maybe he lives me, but not the way I thought he did. The way I love him - I would never ever in my life cheat. But the way he cheated so fast? Maybe I'm not what I thought I was for him...

I left my phone in my room. I couldn't take all the attention right now. I went downstairs and saw Frankie and my mum. Frankie rushed over and gave me a big hug.

"We're here for u sis, forever and always." He said and stuffed a pancake into my mouth, I started laughing and I couldn't remember the last time I had alone time with my family. Well half my family...

So hey! So happy to see people enjoying the book so far! Stay tuned for more, I have so much inspiration!

God Is A Woman is totally my new favorite song. I love it so much!!!!😍😍💗🙈😂😭😭😍

Go check my IG: benito_got_me
Or my YouTube channel: Mille Meinich

Vote and comment guys!💗💗

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