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Ariana's POV

I woke up from my sleep a few hours later, and I walked downstairs. There were no one home so I had the house to myself. My thoughts kept wondering to Pete.

I walked over to the fridge and roamed around and found what I was looking for: ice cream! I took the bucket and walked back up to my room. I placed it down by my bed and climbed in with my Mac. Netflix and ice cream was my savior today.

I've thought about what he said. And I'm not gonna break the engagement. But I need time, a lot of time. To heal. To think this over. Maybe I'm going to fast? Maybe I'm not even ready to get married?

Things ended horrible in my last relationship and I don't want to rush this, I don't want to lose something so precious to my heart. I don't want to lose Pete.

I trusted him when he said it was only a kiss, but on the same time it shouldn't have been anything going on, at all!

I don't want to break this of with him... but how can I trust him? And how can I let him be the father to my children if he cheated on me this early in the relationship?

Do I even want kids? Do I want him to have my kids?
Do I want him?

My thoughts were spinning even though Netflix played on my MacBook. I figured I couldn't sit here all day. I needed something to do. I crawled out of bed and walked over to my old desk and found my notebook. I sat back on my bed and started to write. Writing all my emotions. Not just notes, but songs and choruses flows out of my mind and onto the paper.

I stopped writing when a drop of water hit the book, I was crying. Not strange though, I'm hurt and I'm writing about my feelings. I finished the writing and heard the door slam downstairs.

I wondered why it slammed because my mom always closed it so it wouldn't slam...

I leave my room and walked down the stairs to the foyer.

I entered the foyer and the door was wide open.


"Hello? Mom? Frankie? Are you home yet?"

No answer.

I walked over and closed the door. I called for mom once more, but I got no answer.

I called the gate and wondered if someone drove through, but they didn't let anyone in. I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge to get some water. I pulled out a bottle and removed the cap. I swallowed some and put the lid back on.

I heard a sound from the foyer.

"Hello? Mom?!"

But still nothing.

I shrugged it of and walked back up to my room and placed my water bottle on my desk. My hands found their way to my hair and combed through it. I let out a sigh I didn't knew I was holding.

Suddenly I heard whispering. Someone is in the house.

Someone grabbed my wrist.

I screamed.

Cliffhanger... oops

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IG: benito_got_me
YT: Mille Meinich

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