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Ariana's POV

My mom was getting better and are coming home today. Pete wanted to fly out to us so bad, but I convinced him to stay in LA.

My mom was coming home today and her cab should be here any minute. I wanted to pick her up, but she said no, and before I could do anything she was on her way in a cab.

The lock on the door opened and my mom slowly came into the room. It's been nine days since the accident and she was recovering very well.

"Mom!" I ran to her and hugged her as hard as I could.

"Hey sweetie, are you alright? Are you and Pete talking again?" she asked me. "No, we're not right now." I said and looked down at my hand.

"Do you even want to fix things with him baby? You can always stay with him as a friend." she said trying to comfort me. "I don't know mama, I feel like he is my soulmate, but this has gone too far and I don't feel as excited around him as I used too..." I answered my mom.

"Okay, the only way you can solve this is to know for sure what you want, and while you think I think we should make some hot cocoa!" she said and wandered off to the kitchen. I stood by myself in the foyer for a little while before going after my mom.

My head was spinning with thoughts and they wouldn't stop moving around. Was Pete the man for me? Was one of my ex's the one for me? All I needed was an answer. One single answer. Just yes or no. Is he the right guy or not?

Mom and I fixed some cocoa and sat down in the living room to enjoy it. We talked for a bit and talked about my career, what I wanna do next, what my life has to offer me right now. Suddenly my phone started to ring. It was Pete.

"Take it hun, just hear him out and then decide." mom said and left the room.

I picked up my phone and slid the answer button to the side.

"Hey cutie, how's it going?"

"It's okay, mom just got home."

"That's nice... so um I wanted to talk, to ask where we are right now, like where is our relationship going?"

"I don't know Pete, it's so much going on right now and I think I just need time alone with my mom and brother."

"Yeah I see, can I do anything for you? Come to you and stay with you?"

"No I don't think that's a good idea..."

"Yeah maybe not, but I have to know that we are still going strong... at least still going..."

"Ari, babe?"

"I'm sorry Pete I can't do this."

"Oh okay, do this like talk or do this like have a relationship?"

"This relationship is just too much! You cheated and thought it would be okay and maybe it will be eventually, but not right now. I think we should break this off and maybe come together in a while, but for now I want you to date others and find out if you really love me. You know I have trust issues and I don't want to interact with people I can't trust. So for now I will stay here and you can do whatever you want, or maybe do whoever you want."

"Yeah well I hope you are coming home soon and might give this another shot...bye."

He hung up before I could say goodbye, but it didn't matter. We are now on a break and I hope we can work it out. On the other hand, maybe I should just drop it and find someone who actually love me with all their heart....

Yey finally an update ahahaha sorry!!

School is killing me right now and life is just getting in the way so yeah, stay with me!!💋❤️💋


YT: Mille covers

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