Part 21

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Allison's POV.

So we was called to the principals office after been caught in the toilet together. It's stupid. Kissing and boys in the girls toilet isn't allowed in this school. It would of been fine if they warned us the first time but no. Straight to the principal office it is. We sat there waiting. But as we dreaded the most, our parents were called in. Eric and my mom. They were outside as I turned behind to see who. I looked to Finn and tapped him. He looked behind and hid in his seat. We're in bother now.


A few minutes later the principal came in and sat in front of me and Finn. Our parents sat next to us.

"Sorry to call you both in from work but this needs to be discussed. I don't know if you're aware but kissing and boys being in the girls toilet is permitted in this school." The principal said.

"So what really happened here?" My mom asked.

"Finn was in the girls toilet and was caught by one of our staff members a they were smooching." Eric and my mom turned to us.

"It was a single kiss. That's all it was." I tried defending us.

"I went to see if Allison was alright in the toilet. She was crying." Finn answered.

"Why did you follow?" Eric asked.

"Because I was worried about her." Finn told his dad. I looked to my mom and saw she was not interested. She couldn't look me in the eyes. What was so bad?


I was sat next to my mom in the car and she pulled up outside.

"I can't..." she started. "Why?" She asked.

"What?" I asked.

"You kissed a boy." She muttered.

"Oh wow! I kissed a boy. One boy and it was just a kiss. Look I wasn't doing anything bad. I wasn't doing anything inappropriate." I said raising my voice a little.

"I'm disappointed in you. You wanted Finn to move in with us so you could get close to him."

"No!" I shouted.

"You wanted to get close to him so you could lose your virginity." She started to make me angry and frustrated.


"You don't care about no one but yourself. Gary left because of him and now I am left to deal with you. I knew you was a mistake!" My mom froze as she realised what she had said. I looked st her shocked.

"I'm a mistake!" I question. She looked to me.

"No! That's not what I meant."

"Gary left because of you. Don't blame other people for your mistakes. I left mom in the car and went inside. I'm packing my stuff and moving out. Leyla is next in line. I want rid of mom already.


"Allison! I'm sorry. Don't leave me."

"No! I was a mistake. I was always your bad child. The problem child. Your an horrible woman. I can't believe I defended you over dad. I wish death upon you. Your no longer my mom." I got my stuff and left. I walked across the road and knocked. Eric opened the door and stood there.

"Hi. I'm sorry about today. Is Finn there?" I asked. Finn came up behind Eric as Eric left. Finn looked worried at me.

"What's wrong?" Finn asked. I started to break down in tears.

"My mom and I had a fight. She called me a mistake." I told him hugging back. "Can I stay here?" Finn broke away and turned.

"Dad!" His dad came out. Had a worried look on his face. "Can she stay?" Eric walked over and brought me into a hug. I cried out loud. Why has this happened? Why me?

Cry Baby {Finn Wolfhard}Where stories live. Discover now