Part 23

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Allison's POV.

After the Wolfhards late dinner was set and done we was allowed to be alone in Finn's room. I sat at his desk as he sits on his bed.

"What you wanna do?" I ask.

"Anything you're interested in." He said.

"Well let's not talk about old memories as they are depressing." I informed.

"Then school?"

"Nope!" I answer.

"Then I'm out of ideas." He says. This was useless. We didn't talk much before and now we're together we can't one word out one another.

"Fine!" I answer and go by the mirror. I peer outside across the road.

"Do you miss her?" Finn asked.

"No!" I answer.

"Your sister." He answers.

"I adore my sister but... she has no choice. She has to stay. She's been behaving badly at school and I know why. The family is tearing apart. She'll be broken like I was."

"You know I never really cared much but Gary needed to grow up a bit and not be a child all the time." Finn spoke. I turned to him. "Your sister told me about the fights. He's always at your mom and sister." He said. "But not you."

"I never really speak to Gary at all. Until you came to stay. He moved on. It's hard and I know that when I'm older, I'll lose touch in him. I won't ever see him again." I looked to Finn. "Sorry for that sob story."

"No need. Nick was the best bro ever. He moved in with mom so she wasn't alone." Finn started telling me.

"Where is he now?" I ask.

"He's at his friends. He'll be there till tomorrow. I don't know why but..."

"I have a feeling that it's because of me."

"No!" He said loudly. "He'll meet you. I promise."

"I'm kind of tired, can I go to bed?" I asked. Finn nodded as I got changed and climbed into bed. He climbed into bed too and went on his phone. "I need comfort." I say.

"What would you like?" He asked.

"Can you snuggle up to me?" I ask. He puts his phone away and starts spooning me. I slid my head down and started falling to sleep. Peaceful. He's so soft and calm. I wish everything was fine between me and my mom but no more. I'm staying here till she's out my life for good. I was her mistake and always will.

Cry Baby {Finn Wolfhard}Where stories live. Discover now