Chapter 12

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It was a week after the deaths of Diana and Robert Mulciber, and some of the students were growing restless, demanding to know where their friend had suddenly disappeared to.  

On Friday, the 20th, anyone who showed up to the breakfast that morning heard the story from Dumbledore himself.  

"Excuse me," he called out, shushing the entire room, "I have something to tell you all. It's a rather peculiar story, but most certainly not for your amusement, and some of you may not want to hear.  

"Now, I'm sure many of you have noticed the absence of a certain student over the past week. This is because, and this is confidential information that she has specifically given us the permission to tell you all this, on Friday, February the 13th, two cloaked figures known as Death Eaters broke into her home and used the Killing Curse to murder her mother and five year-old brother."  

There were murmurs and whispers, which quieted down when Dumbledore continued to speak.  

"Is there anyone in this room who knows what a Death Eater is?" he asked.  

Not a single hand went into the air.  

"A Death Eater is a follower of a man who finds pleasure in the murders of Muggles and Muggle-borns. Some people would say it was not pleasure that led him to the murders but hatred. I, personally, think this is a lie."  

More murmurs and whispers, this time coming quicker and a little louder.  

"My opinion may differ from yours. You may believe it was hatred, and you may believe that it was the pleasure in killing people he hated, or you may believe it was simply pleasure. This man, however, had hatred in him that was there since the day he was born. This man has declared himself the Dark Lord Voldemort.  

"Now, I'm sure you all have seen stories in the Daily Prophet for as long as you can remember about strange murders and disappearances, and how most-if not all-of these people were Muggles or Muggle-borns. As I'm sure you can already guess, Voldemort is the one responsible for these deaths.  

"Many people have suffered because of Voldemort and the Death Eaters, Miss Rowan Mulciber included, and because of her suffering, her friends are suffering as well. And as they suffer, many others suffer. You see how many people are affected by this? She is not the only one. Many families have been destroyed, many people have been slaughtered, and not many people know about it.  

"Rowan will not be returning to Hogwarts until your O.W.L.s start this year. Her friends, who left to attend the funeral, should be arriving at any minute. I would appreciate it if students did not bombard them with questions, I'm sure it's been rather difficult on them all.  

"With the thought of Lord Voldemort, Death Eaters, and the Dark Arts in your minds, I ask that you take your Defense Against the Dark Arts courses very seriously these next few years. You never know when you're going to need it.  

"And now, speaking of Defense Against the Dark Arts, I'm sure you've noticed the disappearance of Professor Mynce and have been acquainted with the new professor taking his place as substitute for Professor Greeves, Professor Monroa, an Ex-Auror. She will teach you using Professor Greeves's plans..."  

Soon the announcements had changed to the D.A.D.A. professor, her accomplishments, and how long she will be staying.  

Shortly after breakfast had ended, students leaving the castle to go to Herbology saw the Hogwarts Express at the train station in Hogsmeade, and five students standing around talking to a very large man, with a huge mass of dark hair. He was at least twice the size of the tallest of the five.  

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