Darry • Fayre Ground Rifles

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WARNING: Cheesy af and totally stole the concept from Cormac McCarthy's Child of God. Enjoy


Organized 'dates' were a real rarity when it came to dating Darry. Hell, between two jobs and the responsibilty to take care of his brothers he barely had the energy for a relationship. You understood that of course, and he appreciated it so much. So, when the fayre came to town he knew this would be a good time to take you out.

"Like a real date?" You couldn't help but smile, and he nodded.

"I'll get off work early tonight and pick you up at eight- besides, I just got paid." He grinned, making Soda snicker. "Whats so funny Pepsi-Cola?"

"Nothing." He was giggling on the couch "Its just funny seeing you ain't all moody for once, hey - whatever you're doing, good work." He nods your way.

"Yeah, good head." Of course, Dallas Winston found the opportunity to slip in a dirty comment and it only took Darry giving him a look to shut him up.


It was real nice to walk around holding onto Darry's arm and let everyone know you were together. He was warm and his cold blue eyes looked bright and silver in the lights. He was smiling.

Smiling. Gosh he's handsome.

"You're staring." He states, giving you a grin. It wasn't no boyish grin either, well put together Darry could never be anything but smooth and collected. It about made you melt.

"Just hold my hand or something, you big brute." You teased, shoving him playfully. Your shove didn't make him move an inch and he found it pretty funny.

"Come on up, come on up! I've got a real fun game for you all and its easy as pie - just shoot that little red dot and one of these big bears could be yours - you, how bout you win your little lady a bear?" A plump man behind a stall beckoned you and Darry over with a big fayre ground grin. Darry liked to call games like these the scam stand.

"How much?" Darry asks, reaching into his pocket.

"Twentyfive cents sir, real cheap if you ask me."

"Want me to win you a bear?" Darry grins over at you.

"Well we'll see if you can." You grinned back, teasingly.

Darry slapped the coin on the table and went over to pick up one of the rifles.

"Now you see those little papers coming down on that string? All you gotta do is shoot that little red dot in the middle." The round man reminds him as he rested his finger on the trigger, closing one eye to plan his shot.

"Hit the red dot and the big bears mine?" Darry confirms, not moving from his position and just resting steady, stroking the trigger.

"Sure thing."


He shot the paper, retracting slowly away from the rifle and chewing on his lip with a smirk. "I'll take that one in the middle."

The round man went to collect the paper when it came down, chuckling to himself. "Sorry bud, you gotta get all the red, see." He pointed to faint line of red around the hole made. Darry shook his head and grumbled something before slapping down another coin. Sure it was just a fayre ground game but when Darry set his mind to something, he sets his mind to it. And it looked as though he was sure determined to win you that bear.

He'd told you stories before about how his pops used to take the brothers hunting, laughing good naturedly when he recalled how Soda and Pony goofed around too much and scared away all their game. Darry though, he was a good shooter. You'd made a joke one time that if you were living in the medival days that Darry would be a huntsman.

With one eye closed and the top of the side of his mouth cocked up, he waited for the piece of paper to come down on the string and shot it twice. boom boom.

When the man lowered down the little paper to take a look, it would have been near impossible to wipe the cocky look off of Darry's face when he handed you the bear.

"Good shot, kid."

Darry nodded and said thanks, putting his hand on the small of your back as the two of you walked on.

"Babe, I out-scammed the scam table."

Dad jokes.

You had to get on your tip toes to kiss his cheek, putting your head on his big arm while you walked. "This is really nice Darry, I'm having a great time."

He smiled too.

"Yeah, I wish I wasn't working so much, or I'd take you out all the time."

"Don't you worry about that, superman- we make it work don't we?"

"Sure do." He murmured contently, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips.


By the time he got home, Ponyboy and Soda made it their personal buisness to tease their big brother, singing "Darry's in looove, Darry's in loooove"

"What'd you Darry, d'ya kiss her?"

"Give her your jacket?"

"Give her smoooochiesss"

He shook his head fondly. "You fuckers go to bed, its midnight."

So even the huntsman has a heart.

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