day 5. (pt. 2)

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I was still sitting on the hill. I kept replaying what I said in my head.

"God dammit, I said leave!"

I was too harsh. She was scared of me. Fear filled her eyes as I yelled stepping towards her. I felt instant regret. I wish I could go back and fix it. I can't keep doing this to her, but I have to stay away from her. I'm just trying to protect her.
"What's up with you today?" Dimitri took a bite of his sandwich.

"What?" I mumbled.

"You all of the sudden hate my sister?"  He said as if it were a question.

"I don't hate her..." I said, feeling guilty. I turned around and looked at Thea. She was sitting at another table with the girls, Teddy, Dylan, Benny, and Christian. They were all laughing and smiling, except for Thea. She was focused on writing or drawing on a small napkin. I frowned seeing how unhappy she was. She was alone. She was hurt. And it was because of me.

"Then what's going on?" Dimitri asked, setting his sandwich down anxiously. "I can't tell you." I lowered my voice.

I felt Gianna staring at me as I turned my attention back to Dimitri. I turned around to look at Gianna. She smiled and whipped her head around.

"Why not? You can't tell me why—"

I looked back at Dimitri. "I'm being blackmailed, okay?" I said quietly, looking around.

"You really think I would treat her like that? On purpose? I would never do that to her willingly." I looked away.

Dimitri was not surprised, but he looked angry. "By who? And for what?" He asked.

"Gianna. She said she was going to hurt Thea if I didn't stay away from her." I said quietly, looking down. I knew what was Gianna was capable of. Who knew what she was gonna do. "Keep this quiet, if anyone else finds out, she's gonna do something to Thea."

Dimitri nodded. "Danny?"

"What?" I mumbled still looking down.

"Thank you." Dimitri said.

"For what?" I looked up, tilting my head.

"For protecting her. I know I fight with her and mess around with her, but she means everything to me." He said.

"And I'm happy to know someone else cares about her as much as I do." He smiled.

I smiled and nodded. "It's no problem. Just please don't tell anybody. Especially Thea and Adriana."
I looked over at Danny from the other side of the cafeteria. He was talking to Thea's brother. "Uh oh." I said. "That's not very good." I shook my head and pouted.

I thought for a minute. He probably told Thea's brother. I could tell by the look on Dimitri's face. He looked scared and devastated. He also looked angry. He looked over at me furrowing his eyebrows.

"Well, someone broke our deal." I squinted at Danny.

"Now, what am I going to do to Thea?" I said quietly tapping my cheek.
"Hey, Thea.." Derek said catching up to me.

"Derek!" I said. "I wanted to apologize. About the other night. I know it wasn't your fault—"

"But it was. Regardless, I slipped the drug in your drink, and I'm sorry." He said with guilt.

He looked into my eyes. They were sparkling in the light again. He ran his hands through his hair making it slightly messy. He really wanted my forgiveness.

I pulled him into a hug. My chin rested on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around my waist.

He let go. "So, we're cool?" He smiled, raising an eyebrow. I nodded and smiled, showing his perfect, white teeth. He pulled me into another hug.

He pulled away. "I'll see you later." He smiled and walked off with his hands in his pockets. "Bye!" I waved.

I was happy. Derek was such a good person and I was so glad we were friends again. I smiled to myself and walked towards the group.

My eyes shifted to Danny. He was throwing a ball to Dimitri. His black T-shirt fit on him perfectly. His grey shorts were just above his knee. His hair was messy, but it looked good.

He was perfect. But he wasn't mine. I frowned at the thought of him being Gianna's or anyone else's.

He looked in my direction and our eyes met. I melted. The sun made him glow. His eyes were sparkling. He ran his hands through his hair.

"Hey, idiot!" Dimitri threw the ball at Danny's shoulder. His eyes stayed locked with mine. He broke our eye contact looking down. I frowned and walked over to Cammie.

Cammie was playing volleyball with all of the girls, Teddy, Benny, and Dylan.

I tapped on her shoulder. "Hey Cammie, can I go for a walk? I don't feel very good." I told her, wanting to get away from Danny.

"Sure, don't go too far though." She said returning to the game. I nodded and started to walk off. I could feel someone's eyes on me, but I didn't know who they belonged to.

I walked around admiring the forest. I was always so glued to my phone and busy with friends or homework, so I rarely went outside.

I walked along the dirt path. I felt a breeze and the leaves of the pine trees started to move. It was a beautiful sight. Everything was alive and green.

"Thea!" A voice said behind me. I turned my head.

Gianna was standing there. She was alone, which was really strange since she was always around her friends.

"I was trying to take a peaceful walk." I mumbled turning back around. She walked towards me and grabbed the back of my shirt.

"Hey!" I yelled. She spun me around so we were face to face. "You took him from me." She said angrily. "Took who?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Danny." She said sternly.

I laughed right in her face. "He hates me." I continued laughing.

She slapped me. I felt a sting on my face, as I held my hand up to my cheek. "What the hell?" I said pushing her back. "Fuck off, Gianna." I spat walking away.

Suddenly, a hard object hit me in the head and I fell to the ground.
"Thea, where are you?!" I heard faded voices call out an hour later. My vision was blurry and I couldn't see anything.

"Thea!?" The faded voices called out again.

I laid there in pain. My head felt a sharp pain towards the back of my head. I couldn't move, I couldn't talk, I felt lost. A tear rolled down my cheek.

"Thea!!" A voice said. It was a deep, familiar voice. "She's over here!!" The voice yelled again.

Someone had picked me up bridal style. My vision started focusing. I looked up and saw Derek.

I was slightly disappointed. Part of me wished that I was in Danny's warm, muscular arms. But the other part of me was happy I was in Derek's arm.

His skin was warm, but it wasn't as warm as Danny's. I moved my head trying to see where we were going.

Derek felt my head shift.

"Thea?" Derek said looking at me. He looked like he was about to cry.  "Stay with me." His voice started fading. "THEA?!" He yelled as my eyes started closing. I had blacked out.
shitttt. stay tuned ! :)

p.s: my friend cam pointed out A LOT of errors apparently so i tried fixing them so yw cam smh

edit: i changed a lot of the characters (like their pictures in the intro) so go check them out if ur interested

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