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Sarah Shield absentmindedly ran her fingers along the iron fence panels as she watched Griffin -her husband- fall to the ground with a thud as a football came hurtling towards him

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Sarah Shield absentmindedly ran her fingers along the iron fence panels as she watched Griffin -her husband- fall to the ground with a thud as a football came hurtling towards him. She couldn't contain the smile on her face, as their daughter, Sawyer, pumped her fists in the air and ran around the yard in excitement.

"I'll do better next time." Griffin chuckled, ruffling Sawyer's hair.

"I wouldn't bet on that." Sawyer giggled, swatting his hand away.

A warm feeling swam across Sarah's chest. She had really missed these moments. She had also missed going to bed without having to worry how her daughter would be the following day. Sawyer was a lot better than she'd ever been.

Maybe she'll befriend those lovely children from church.

"Sawyer, it's tea time." Dandy Miller, Sawyer's nanny, approached from the house. She was holding a tray containing milk scones and four mugs, which she gently placed on the patio table.

Sawyer scrambled to her feet and made her way towards the young woman, the two exchanging a few words as they began to partake on their four o'clock snack. Griffin, who hadn't stood up from the time he'd fallen, held out his hand for his wife.

"Yes honey, apply all your weight on my arm."

Sarah pulled him up with the little strength that she had, feigning disgust as he lovingly kissed the back of her hand. Noticing this, he lightly smacked her arm, before repeating his previous action.

"God is good," he said through a smile, watching Sawyer animatedly explain something to Dandy.


The little bell above the glass door tinged as the café door was pushed open. Lloyd struggled to contain the saliva that threatened to escape from his mouth as the smell of freshly brewed coffee and delectable confectionaries wafted to his nostrils. He should have been used to it, considering he often spent his weekends cooped in Leigh's café. Omari and his younger brother Asante were seated at a booth with Wendy, watching Lloyd. None of them had the energy to fetch him or call out for him. For someone who disliked Wendy so much, Omari sure did have her around quite a lot. It didn't make sense, but their odd friendship worked like that.

"Can we call him over already?" Asante was impatient. "I have a date at six."

"Does this one remember her name?"

That earned Wendy a smack in the face with a napkin. She retributed by poking his cheeks with her long nails.

"Cheater!" He laughed, continuing to flick the napkin across Wendy's cheeks.

Omari rolled his eyes and got up. "Jones!"

Lloyd's head snapped up at the mention of his last name, shooting his best friend an accusing look as soon as their eyes met. He walked to the booth, not breaking eye contact with him. The boys' friendship dated back to the era of cooties and jungle gyms. One would think that at the age of twenty-one they would have possibly grown apart, but the two were inseparable.

"Why do you people constantly do this to me?" Lloyd whined as he fluffed a seat cushion, before taking a seat next to Wendy.

"You were literally just standing there Jones." Omari replied. "Doesn't hurt to actually come looking for us."

"Whatever...did anyone order my-"

"Hot chocolate with extra marshmallows on top?" Wendy interjected. "I did, because Omari forgot."

"Thanks Valentine!"

Was that blush dotting her cheeks? Omari shook his head in amusement.

It has feelings after all.

Asante had also caught on. "Now I understand why you hang around us so much." he said with a cheeky grin.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Wendy could really pull off being an actress, what with the nonchalant expression on her face.

Asante didn't respond. The cheeky grin hadn't left his face though. As she was still looking at him, Asante motioned to Lloyd with his head, mouthing the words 'lover boy'. She merely rolled her eyes and coolly bit into her cake, the colour of her cheeks betraying her actions. Omari laughed.

Lloyd looked up in confusion. "What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing, it's just that..." his eyes trailed to Wendy.

Her eyes pleaded with him.

Why do I respect her this much?

"This whole Shield business, that's all."

Wendy smiled with gratitude and returned her attention to the red velvet cake nestled in her plate.

"I don't mind that much really. It's a shame we won't get paid though...but I don't mind the kid." Lloyd responded.

"Of course you don't!" Omari exclaimed. "She hates me."

"Why does it matter so much if this kid likes you or not?" Wendy was curious.

Omari shrugged. Being a people pleaser contributed to why he was so worried that Sawyer hated him; but other than that, he hadn't the slightest clue why it did.

"Pray for guidance if you think you won't be able to handle being nice on your own." Asante told him, as he bit into his brownie and got up from the booth. "If you'll excuse me, I've got a date I need to get ready for."

With that, Asante strode out of the café, not caring much for the trail of crumbs he left behind him.

"As much as I'd hate to agree with him, he's right." Wendy said.

Omari said nothing.

He really is.

A/N : Hey beautiful. Thank you for taking your time with my book. I hope you enjoyed the first two chapters. I know it's probably flawed in some parts but I'm still learning hey. Chapter three will be out on 29 July!

Ps: kindly help a girl out and 👇

Ps: kindly help a girl out and 👇

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