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It's 4 August! Here's chapter four lovelies! 😄 The update has come earlier because my network will be down on the 5th

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It's 4 August! Here's chapter four lovelies! 😄 The update has come earlier because my network will be down on the 5th. Enjoy!

Words of encouragement could only go so far. They helped to some extent, but didn't so easily shake off any heavy emotions that remained when someone was discouraged. As Sawyer lay in bed recalling the previous night, her Mum's words rang through her mind.

'You're an incredible girl Sawyer,'

It wasn't like she didn't know that.

'You're pleasant to be around,'

Again, that was something she was well aware of.

'You'll make new friends.'

She hadn't believed that last part as much. Despite staying up late curled up in bed with a cup of hot cocoa and watching reruns of Friends with her mum and Dandy, she felt empty.

"Who am I kidding?" she groaned into her pillow. "I am a freak!"

She couldn't possibly consider her Mum a mate. She needed her own. Her only fear was having her trust trampled on all over again. Never again did she want to wallow in self pity and worthlessness. She felt it had only come to that because of Chadwick. He'd always been the puppet master of their group. It had also always been a wonder why her former friends had kept him around. But it all made sense now; they were all just like him. Only then did she realise that maybe Stephanie had been in on the action that summer night. Sawyer clenched her fists.

Bad memories will bring the voices back.

With that, she built up the courage to head towards the bathroom for a shower. Resting her trembling hands onto the bathroom sink, she looked up at her reflection. She came face to face with a zombie with bulging tearstained eyes and dishevelled hair. Fat tears rolled down her face.

A gentle tap at the door distracted her.

"Sawyer honey, your bible study starts in forty-five minutes." Dandy said from the other side of the door. "If you could please speed up."

Sawyer quickly got into the shower. She shut the sliding glass doors and tried her best to stifle the doleful wail that threatened to escape from her mouth. It was going to take a while to swim out of the deep end she'd been pushed into.

Across town, Omari dragged his feet against the asphalt, groaning loudly with each step he took. Wendy rolled her eyes.

"We have to get a move on Greene!"Her patience was wearing thin.

Omari could be a baby at times. Seeing that it was fifteen minutes till one and the post-lunchtime traffic was probably starting to build up, Wendy snatched the keys from him and slid into the driver's seat. It all happened too quick that he didn't have the time to protest. Omari made a big show of getting into the passenger's seat. Wendy clicked her tongue to emphasise her irritation towards his behaviour as she started the car.

"Give me a break Valentine."

"Only when you grow up Greene."

That shut him up. Lloyd, who'd fallen asleep in the backseat, jolted awake. He rubbed his eyes and stretched his legs, the snap of his toes causing him to smile.

"Are we there..." he cut himself short upon noticing the sour atmosphere.

With a shrug, the young man slipped his shoes on and fastened his seatbelt.


As the navy blue Volkswagen pulled into Fisherman's Bay, great booming laughter bubbled out of Wendy's mouth, and Lloyd merrily slapped his hand on his leg. Omari was satisfied at his attempt to lighten up the mood. Their laughter died down as the car came to a stop in front of a low wrought iron fence. A blue plaque on one of the two dry stone pillars that supported the gate was engraved 'SHIELD'.

"Okay guys, I think this is it." Wendy exhaled.

Although she hadn't openly expressed her feelings about meeting with Sawyer as Omari had, she clearly dreaded it to some extent. Having to prolong the meetings for Wendy meant having to befriend Sawyer. As someone who kept her circle small, that was tough. Lloyd on the other hand didn't mind as much, considering Sawyer hardly ever paid attention to him. He was taking it as a chance to stay out of his house.

Omari pressed the button on the intercom.

"Who is it?"

"Omari, Lloyd and Wendy." He looked into the intercom as though the person on the other end could see him. "We've come for the bible study with Sawyer."

With that, the gate automatically slid open. The VW swept around a roundabout with a marble fountain at the centre, and came to a halt in front of a mahogany garage door.

Lloyd whistled."If Queen Elizabeth moved to the suburbs, this is what her house would look like,"

His friends agreed. The Shield's residence was breathtaking. Overlooking the driveway was a gazebo, whose intricately designed wooden path slanted downward towards a small iron gate that bordered the property with the bay. Omari's mouth gaped open. The splendour of the Shield's mansion was without comparison in all of Palm View. They walked up to the front stone portico in silence, the prominent sounds being the 'tap tap' of their shoes as they slapped against the concrete. Omari said a silent prayer as Wendy rang the doorbell.

"Dear God, please give me the patience to endure the meeting and remind me that this is all about you whenever the girl angers me. In Jesus' name I pray, amen."

The door flew open to reveal a petite girl with golden locks that cupped her tiny face and poured down to her shoulders like a seething river of fire. Her eyes were cold and her lips were set into a thin line. Omari, Wendy and Lloyd exchanged frightened looks.

"Come in." She ushered them in.

Sawyer shut the door behind her and rolled her eyes at the three visitors who stood awkwardly in front of her. Why do I need them?!

"Follow me." She ordered.

The three obliged and followed her to the living room.

Sawyer allowed them to take their seats. "Wait here."

With that, she walked out of the room.

"Fasten your seatbelts folks; we're in for one heck of a ride." Lloyd laughed nervously.

Wendy and Omari joined in.

Oh boy.


Chapter five will be out next Sunday, on 12 August!

Chapter five will be out next Sunday, on 12 August!

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