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Supergirl thought she understood what life entailed. She'd experienced many factions of existence, reasoned that by now she'd explored its meaning- she knows her purpose.

Kara had gone through tremendous heartache, had parted ways with waterfalls of glistening tears... created so many memories including that of affection, hope, loss and grief. She'd bared witness to exotic civilisations rise and fall, merciless doppelgängers die cradled between her arms and she'd stopped the end of the world by blasting a whole bunch of Daxamites- long after cruising up up and away with Fort Rozz hovering between satellites.

She'd seen new and exciting galaxy's, surrounded herself with the edges of the milkyway- she'd almost been sucked into a vortex containing a bright blue star and taken into its orbit. Interplanetary travel she'd done that too- flew to Mars, Starharven and many other space rocks with her father. She'd lived to find baby Kal-El had become a hero, she'd even become one too.

She'd loved vehemently, even when she'd chosen to sacrifice that love... that piece of Cupid's bow for the people of earth her new home. She'd become a strong and independent woman, built a legacy and made it her own.

Through bloodshed and the fist of a furious hand she'd built it far away from her cousin Superman.

Kara had set an example for all souls to follow and not only the human race but the billions in the surrounding universe... multiverse. Kara showed every single one of them how it's done in order to leave a lasting impact, to make a worthwhile jump forward into a heartfelt future were everyone actually might just get along.

She'd made a difference, done so much good. It's effects still reverberated throughout space time, far and wide... she'd changed the course of history into something astonishing.

Cat Grant would be proud.

But no seriously- She was a force like many elements... fierce as fire, as noble as the ground they stood above, as pure as water and as free as a bird. Like the wind she happened to carry- still carries a level of passion, empathy, compassion and dedication throughout everywhere she goes, a backpacker a wondering traveller following the breeze outside to provide help and kindness to those who may need it most. She was a saint... a child of the light. She was a danvers sister known to overcome any obstacle, she honestly thought that because of all of Alex's techniques and her own life experience she was probably already trained for almost anything she may face.

So yes Kara Zor-El had thought she'd seen it all... so nothing quite prepared her for-


Staring... standing in a type of mud she hadn't felt beneath her own two feet for at least 13 + 24 + 15 = 52 years, the squelch of Argo- the environment... it's smell. It's joyful aura. It's uniquely quirky nature.

It's glittering towering spires, the markets full of Jojue Fruit, Gahk Beans, Zeou Bats and spectacular cloth they used for the regal flowing gowns they still all wore.

Fashion hadn't changed.

Nothing she was prepared for but most of all she didn't quite know how to handle- this...

Alura was stood there more beautiful than her dreams had ever allowed or every jumbled memory she had the luxury of meticulously exploring- the memories all over worn and faded. Her warmth shone like a beacon calling her home relighting those pictures bringing them back from sepia and turning them into vivacious coloured masterpieces of fine-fine art.

Kara's cheeks trickled wetly as she just stood in awe... is this real?

Fear in her gut churned and lingered.. what if this is like the black mercy all over again?

She doubted she could handle that if it were true.. if she opened up and allowed herself to feel, to see her mother as a LIVING and BREATHING Kryptonian being.

Because this was everything she'd ever hoped for- pined for and cried for in the bleakest twilight hours.

It wasn't possible.

She'd watched the destruction, saw as pieces of krypton floated abandoned, the rocks crashing down on every planet including her adoptive home world.

That was all that was left- toxic reminders of the crypt they called Krypton and her culture... of every crest and emblem. They'd been etched into the nuclear green remnants. Those sigils adorned the tiny fragments of the billions vanquished under the guidance of Rao.

Him and her... the only two survivors, the only ones watching.

That of a God and Kara Zor-El a woman born under the constellation of beauty, it was instilled within her just like the stars she was so accurately named after.

Shaking from shock and wonder, Mon-El tugged at her forearm smiling widely, she turned back to the figure dressed in her usual earthly blue robes their eyes connecting- a mother and daughter she gasped, memories flooding back from even just yesterday and every other day she'd stood tall idly chatting to her hologram and all of those moments she'd asked for just one more hug from her mom yet denied every time by the shrill of a monotone voice.

Here on Krypton? Argo ...this was everything she'd ever ever fantasied about.

Struggling to put one foot in front of the other, Kara ran forward embracing, their arms wrapped around each other gripping, as the weight of what was happening tugged at her knees.... singing like a symphony... cascading them with feelings.

Shaking trembling, they held each other... felt each other, inhaled each other and it was better than she'd ever be able to possibly describe or remember... to repeat to another.

Because It was her mother. The one she'd watched disintegrate helplessly as a child.

Bare legs and red heels inevitably buckled, as Kara lurched falling, clinging to the woman she desperately loved, caught in a riptide of wish fulfilment and long term abandonment... her mind stilled. Feeling at peace, unburdened for the first time in over three decades of drifting.

Kara sobbed cradled inside her mothers arms, her tears staining ancient cloth of the woman who stole her heart.

Tenderly Kara's head rose up until she cupped her mothers jaw basking in the smoothness she felt between the divots within her fingerprints.

Aluras face was wracked cracked with love... the emotions behind fluorescent eyes brimming with her own bout of tears as she held onto her daughter, the one who'd grown into a stunning young woman.

Eventually they relocated moving through a private garden- one filled with Zazzuki Wild flowers and vfoh berries. Kara smiled in melancholy her senses mixed with every minuscule reminder of things she had forgotten, things that because of the burden placed on top of her shoulders- of being the only one to have lived through Kryptons destruction, the only one to remember its essence, she now realised because of that struggle she hadn't remembered all that much at all.

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