'You Left Me, You Sent Me Away... How Could You do That?!'

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Squeaking, giggly and excitable "She's she's uh amazing, so amazing and not just that- she's so strong, she kept me hopeful, she fought for me even when I felt so weak and she showed me all the best parts about being human."

Continuing to speak with awe and reverence "She's my best friend... she's my light and I honestly don't know what I'd do without her."

Stroking Kara's hair timidly Alura smiled at the love and warmth emanating from her daughter when speaking of her earth family. But guilt had gently wavered at the borders of her mindscape when thinking of her own twin sister.

Reminiscing on what they once had been- so close even when they were both so young, she had loved Astra and the relationship they had shared together. Yet sadly both of their misdeeds had unravelled that blood bond and now it was highly improbable she would ever be able to make amends or reconnect-that was... if what she had originally suspected were still true about what had happened to the criminals on Fort Rozz.

She was however thankful that Kara had experienced what it was like to have a sibling, she was grateful even- to know that someone was there for her to hold her hand when facing such great hardship and tragedy- yet a small part of her, the insignificant jealous part that she was throughly attempting to tamper down and quash was oozing with envy at these humans who got to experience everything of her daughter that she never got to have, that she never would.

She had missed her child reach her age of adulthood and it broke her heart not knowing all of the details of Kara's existence throughout those years nor getting to see firsthand how they had ultimately shaped her into the woman who graced her now with a somewhat blinding presence.

They were strangers to each other.

Eyes retracting downward moving her arms away, clearing her throat "You... mentioned Fort Rozz" stopping short, throat bobbing "was-"

Immediately it clicked- just as if Kara had anticipated the trajectory of this conversation "Astra..."

Alura nodded biting her lip- looking away slightly in shame, in displeasure... she wasn't sure. Thoughts of her sister had in fact plagued her did she survive? Was she still there... in timeless space? What had happened to her?

Deep down somewhere she'd known.

No longer having the resources to go searching- all efforts were put into keeping Argo stable and Zor's work in keeping the atmosphere free from harmful toxins and essentially from killing them all.

The argument given was because they were all still prisoners. and the new council were not prepared to find out for themselves one way or the other.

So- she'd had to bite down and swallow in order to stop herself from screaming at the top of her lungs for something more to be done.

To them... Justice had been served.


Kara looked down towards her fingers twirling them, deflating- not quite doing anything other than using them as something of a distraction. Her voice taking on a darker tone "She survived... for a time." Leaning over angling her head up slightly... she could see her mother wince and frown herself deflating.

Serious... no time for kindness "What happened?"

Kara's lips curled into her mouth as she tried her best not to bear down onto her tongue- presence fierce and unyielding the influx of dread continued until she landed onto accepting of the events that had already come to pass- being hero of Earth meant she couldn't hold onto something like that, she'd forgiven Alex because there's no way in this universe that she could be here without her nor be Supergirl either "She went a little.... unstable. I think her time on Fort Rozz it changed her... further hardened the woman that she was- she lost her morals and sense of conscience, only cared to uphold her views on survival. She- she and Non... they wanted to use Myriad like they had tried on Krypton."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2019 ⏰

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