Fighting the Originals chp.5

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"Whatever I have files-" I said but the trucks from the day before rolled onto the property. "Women and children get down into the cellars now!"

"What? What's wrong?" Damon asked and I pointed at the trucks.

"Get ready to fight men!" I said and we walked towards the trucks. "Werewolves left. Warlocks right. Dragon Riders take they sky. Shape shifters left center. Vampires right center. Demons and Angels get behind them, quietly." I ordered and they all nodded. Damon and all the demons disappeared into the shadows and the angels teleported. When I got closer I realized it wasn't just hunters but the Originals too. "Stop!"

"Why?" Damon asked appearing at my side, after everyone stopped.

"The Originals are with them." I said and his eyes widened. "Go home boys!"

"But Alpha-" Luke, a vampire boy, started but I gave him my look.

"Oh we were looking forward to a fight. Just like in the old days." Original Tomas, the first werewolf, said. Then he held up Bentley by the back of his shirt.

"Bentley." I said and took a step forward but Tomas put his hand up.

"Come with us and agree to be put into solitary confinement and the pup will live." Original Harold, the first vampire, said.

"Don't do it Lanna." Bentley gasped out as Tomas grasped his jaw, getting ready to break his neck.

"You have... five seconds." Harold said looking at his watch.

"One... two... three-" Tomas said and I started freaking out.

"Okay! I'll go with you!" I said and they nodded while smiling. Then they snapped his neck. "No!" I screamed and ran to his limp body. Tomas grabbed my arm but I pulled it back. "If I can take life I can give it." I said and did the opposite of my DEATH power. I breathed life back into his body. After a while Bentley gasped for air. "Oh thank god."

"Lanna?" He said hoarsely.

"It's me I'm right here." I said and he gripped my face.

"I love you." He said and I pulled him closer to me.

"I love you too." I said as tears spilled from my eyes. He reached up and wiped them away.

"Come Lanna." Original Ketsiya, the first witch, said and I shook my head.

"No I said I would with you if you didn't hurt him." I told her snapping at her hand with my werewolf teeth.

"You said if we put him down. And we did." Tomas said.

"Go to hell." I spat as I pulled Bentley to his feet and Damon helped him walk away.

"Lanna." He said as he noticed I wasn't following.

"I have to fight them if I want to live my life." I said and his eyes widened.

"No you don't. Come on." He said taking my hand.

"I'm not doing this for me," I said and paused to look at him. "I'm doing it for you. Because they believe any supernatural being associated with me is a menace."

"I'm okay with that." He said and started pulling me with him.

"I challenge all the Originals to a fight to the death!" I yelled and Bentley looked at me bewildered.

"Oh yay a fight." Harold said.

"We accept." Tomas said. "And to give you a fighting chance you can pick eight warriors one of each supernatural breed. If you die before they do we will let them live."

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