Chapter 10: Parents and Hero Work

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Today, would absolutely be Ochaco's first day back doing hero work. Momo had said that her and Todoroki would watch the twins, so she would finally be doing what she loved once again.

"Have fun!" Says Momo using Olicia's hand to wave goodbye while also ushering for Todoroki to do so with baby Deku, who did it without any emotion whatsoever.

Ochaco was also in the mood of moving back closer to...her parents...and even Izuku. Which meant she would have to tell them soon. And it wouldn't be long for everyone else to find out...even Izuku.

And thinking about Izuku made her wonder if she would run into him today. Especially since her dreams seemed even realer than the last. But maybe-

"Uraraka-san?" Says a voice making her jump.

Oh, speak of the devil! She says to herself.

She hadn't of heard that voice in almost a whole year...and she couldn't deny that she missed it. In fact she loved talking to him...most of her best conversations were with the curly green haired boy.

"Oh...hey, Deku." Says Uraraka. I mean- what else would you say to someone you haven't seen in so long.

She could also notice Deku's awkwardness. He didn't know what to say either.

"I haven't seen you in awhile...where have you been?" He asks.

Having your babies. She thinks to herself as she blushes.

"I-I've just been busy! Nothing important!" She says scratching her hair. "Okay..." He says noticing that she was lying but not mentioning it.

"So...I should go. They want me back at the agency." Says Izuku. Uraraka smiles. "Oh, that's right!" She says causing him to stop walking away.

She had heard over the news that he would be making a hero agency since he's the number one hero now.

"Congrats Deku!" She says smiling. "I didn't think you had heard about it that case I'm inviting you to the ceremony as d-date." He says.

Uraraka blushes. "U-uhm...sure...text me the date. I'll see you soon!" She waves.


After a day of hero work Uraraka was glad to finally be able to go home and see the twins, but she had to do something before that. After taking a shower and getting dressed, and also getting the twins together in nice outfits, Uraraka headed out.

It was pretty late, so she doubted that the media would see her this late.

Ochaco sighs as she arrives at the doorstep.

No going back now...she thinks to herself.

She breaths in and knocks on the door. A few seconds later a women comes to the door, and followed behind her is a male.

Not just any female and male, her mother and father.

"Hey, mom, hey dad." She says turning away.

"Ochaco! We haven't seen you in forever!" Squeals her mother, moving her into the house. Ochaco shushes her as she sits down. "You'll wake them." She says making her mother and father become aware of the not one, but two babies in her hand.

"Ochaco, are those..." her mother trails off as she nods. "Yeah...they are." She says looking down at the twins. "This is Deku, and this one is Olicia." She says showing their faces.

It had even hurt her to do that. The twins looked more and more like Deku each day, especially since they had even developed freckles like him.

" did this happen?" Asks her father. She wipes a tear away. "It was a one night stand okay! That's why I've been gone and out of the spotlight. I know just started hero work again and that only being because my friends had helped me." Says Uraraka.

"Do you know who the father is?" Asks her father. "And does the father know..." trails off her mother. "Yes and now." Says Uraraka. Her parents look at her, wanting to know who it is and Ochaco sighs and spills it.

"It's kinda the number one hero...his name is Izuku...hero name is Deku. It was just a one night stand though so, I doubt he remembers anything." She adds.

"Wait, are you talking about that boy you had brought claiming he was your friend?" Asks her father. Uraraka nods. "And He is a friend...we were just drunk." She says. Her father sighs.

"And do you know how responsible you have to be to have a child? Your only eighteen! Nineteen in a few months!" Complains her father. Ochaco sighs. "I know...and I just have to be thankful that a lot of people are helping me out at the moment." She says.

Her father wraps her into a hug. "You should've told us, when you first found out about your pregnancy. We would've helped." Says her father.

"And we will still help." Says her mother taking both twins from her arms. Her mother smiles. "They resemble you and him both so much." Smiles her mother cooing both of them.

"Their only two months." Says Ochaco.

And from that night on, Uraraka had another person helping her which made her even more grateful.

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