Chapter 13: Bitter Sweet Victory

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Well, this book went up another a thousand views. Last update we were at 4K and now we're at 6k?

Thx a buiunnnch!!

Onward with the chapter!!

Izuku kicks open the door to reveal the villains. So many thoughts were running through both of their heads, but they were running with love.

They had a plan, but at the same time they didn't. The plan was for the other heroes to come in if they didn't come out within twenty minutes. At that, Izuku and Ochaco were winging it.

"Ah, so they finally arrived?" Says Shigaraki. He laughs as he scratches his neck.

"Where are they?!" Asks Uraraka. She was ready to pounce on the villains, and she would've if Izuku wasn't holding her back.

Shigaraki laughs again. "You thought it'd be that easy? Warpgate!" He calls as Uraraka disappears and appears right infront of him. Shigaraki grabs her by the neck and holds her there laughing.

"Let her go!" Yells Izuku.

Dammit! He curses himself.

If I had of been watching her she would've never been captured! He thinks.

"Uraraka!" He calls as they make eye contact. "Make him float," he mouths. She nods and pulls up her hand and touches him causing him to let her go. With the flick of Deku's fingers he causes a break of massive wind and blows Shigaraki away.

Uraraka looks around frantically for her children and smiles when she spots them on the ground a few feat away from where Shigaraki was sitting.

Ochaco scrambles to her feet and runs over to them, picking both twins up.

She frantically looks over her children for any bruises, scars, or wounds and smiles when she find none.

"There alri-" she's cut off when she dodged a knife being thrown at her.

"Man, I really wanted to cut her up!" She sighs and Uraraka looks up to see Toga. She shrugs and pulls out another. "Well, atleast I Can get somewhat of Izuku's blood. There his right?" She Asks.

Uraraka doesn't respond. Instead, she worries about how to get both twins out of dangers way.

"Deku!" She calls, making the twins float. She drops them into his hands so she could fight Toga.

My best bet is to make myself float and have someone else deal with her. Thinks Uraraka to herself.

She decides upon doing that and floats towards Izuku and the twins.

"You okay?" Izuku asks. Uraraka nods as she bites her lip.

"I think we've bit on more than we can chew." She says laughing a bit.

"Nothing we can't handle." He says as someone grabs the twins from him. Both are relieved to see that it's Kirishima and Mina.

Baby Deku slobs on Kirishima's shoulder as Ulicia pulls on his hair. Mina stays there fangirling over how cute Kirishima looked with the two of them.

"Relax guys, back up his here!" He smiles handing Ulicia to Mina. "We'll take them outside to be taken care of!" Says Mina. Izuku and Uraraka smile and nod. "Thanks guys!" Calls Uraraka.

"Not so fast," says Shigaraki as warp-gate warps the twins to him.

Shigaraki places they over to Davi who was the very last person Uraraka wanted them with.

"Give them-" "We gotcha Uraraka!" Says Kaminari as he zaps Shigaraki.

"Way to make an entrance," says Jiro sighing as she quickly grabs the twins from Dabi as he's not looking.

"I got him!" Says Todoroki using his fire on Dabi.

"All the heroes are here sir, what do we do?" Asks a unpopular villains to Shigaraki. "Doesn't matter, warp gate, can you-" he stops as he sees him on the ground knocked out, thanks to Kaminari.

"Dammit, he went overboard." Says Kyoka.

"Take care of them Bakugo!" She says passing them over to him.

"Why the hell do I have to hold them!" He yells but everyone ignores him.

"I'll be glad to take them from you!" Says Toga. Bakugo forms a frown. "Touch my niece and nephew and I'll blow your face to bits!" She says smirking.

"Hey four eyes! Here you go!" Says Bakugo passing them over to Iida. Iida nods and holds the twins tightly, taking this as another responsibility.

"Here you go Midoriya!" He says placing both twins in his arms.

Uraraka was busy fighting Toga, so he was the only exception.

It's time to get the twins to- his thoughts are cut off when he disappears.

Seeing that, Uraraka looks around.

Hopefully you guys are okay... trails off Uraraka getting back to her fight.


Izuku looks around him. As he notices the twins weren't in his arms, he stands up.

The whole room was white. Pure white.

Shigaraki holds the children's arms. "Now. Pick who'll live or die." He Says.

Izuku shakes his head. "Never! You'll have to kill me first!" He Says. Shigaraki laughs. "That's not what I asked. Which child? Boy or girl?" He Asks.

"I said kill me!" He yells. Shigaraki gets pissed, and shoots Izuku. Izuku closes his eyes, waiting for impact, but it never comes. He looks up and sees Uraraka on the floor, bloody as can be.

"W-what...Ura- Ochaco..." he trails off. She laughs lightly. She was shot twice in her arm, once in her leg, and twice in her stomach.

"I'm sorry...I-I just, wanted to be say your hero for once." She Says.

"I love you and-" "Don't say that, your not going to die!" Says Izuku. Uraraka nods as she closes her eyes, with Izuku silently praying that she was just sleeping.

"You bastard!" He yells. Izuku turns and kicks him, grabbing the twins before Shigaraki fell.

"Detroit smash!" He yells slamming into the ground with the twins in one arm.

Izuku picks up the gun, silently crying, only because it didn't look like Uraraka was breathing much or at all.

"W-Wait, what are you-" he cut off as Izuku shoots him, killing him.

The twins stop their gurgles and laughing, hearing the loud noise.

"C'mon Guys...let's go get your mother some help..."

There victory was bitter, but sweet at the same time.

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