A Death - part 1

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"Okay, lets start." Slade said as Ryan walked up to their training spot on the hill near the café in L.I.F.E. Academy. Ryan smiled and nodded. 

"What we gonna work on today?" Ryan asked, activating his runes. Slade told him they were going to practice everything he had learned, and try to improve. "Good idea." 

-time skip brought to you by Ryan passing out-

A stream of fire shot from Ryan's hand. But after a few minutes things started going downhill. In a flash of light his eyes suddenly burned red, and he lost control. Slade's eyes widened as he cursed under his breath. He should have not pushed Ryan that far. Ryan turned to Slade, a frown on his face, hatred in his eyes. His flames turned towards the teacher. 

"RYAN, BUDDY! IT'S JUST ME! SNAP OUT OF IT!" Ryan growled and jumped on top of Slade, pinning him against the ground. A ball of fire formed in his hand, a deadly weapon. Slade had tears running down his cheeks, knowing what he would have to do next. Professor Petra's past words echoed in his mind...


"Be careful with him. Don't do anything rash, unless absolutely necessary." 

"I'm assuming by rash you mean..."

"Yes, Slade. I mean kill him."


Tears running in rivers down him face, Slade activated his runes. One word sent Ryan flying off of him and to the ground. The flames were instantly put out. Slade knelt down next to the young boy and sobbed.

"I'm sorry Ryan. I'm so, so sorry." He reached his shaky hand into his pocket and brought out his phone, quickly dialing Petra's number. The professor picked up instantly.



"Slade? Yes? What happened? Your crying!"

There was a few minutes of silence as Slade took a few deep breaths.

"It's Ryan. He lost control. I had to do it."

"Do what? You don't mean..."

"Yes. Ryan...is dead."




that just happened.

sorry it was so short, I got to go.


Code Rainbow  - RuyguyRocky L.I.F.E AcademyWhere stories live. Discover now