Orientation Day - part 3

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Stuff is gonna happen in this chaptah! If it's too soon, SUCK IT UP!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for your consideration.

Austin walked to his dorm, making frivolous chat with Matt, who had a dorm right up the stairs from Austin's. As hard as he tried, Matt couldn't seem to get the young boy to talk.

"What's your favorite color?"





"Don't got one."

"Am I going to get any actual answers from you?"


"Well, I have to go now. See you at orientation!"

They waved at each other and Austin walked into his dorm. He slung the backpack off of his shoulder. He sighed. Walking into the bathroom, he looked into the mirror. Slowly he pulled down the hood that submerged his face in shadow.

His black hair hid a long, thin scar running across his forehead. He ran his fingers through his hair, trying not to recall the painful memory. He decided to unpack the few things he owned.

<Time skip>

Austin met Matt and Lexi outside of the dorms a few hour later. He once again had his hood pulled over his head. They smile at said hello, then began walking towards the auditorium.

"Hey, where's Tori?" he asked.

"She's helping Professor Petra." Lexi replied.

"Professor who?" Lexi seemed to realize that it was only his second day.

"You'll meet him... soon."

Then arrived at the auditorium before he could ask more questions. They sat down and waited for the orientation to start. They were soon joined by Tori and another boy. He was wearing a red shirt and jeans and had orange hair.

"Hi guys!" said Tori. "Look who I found walking back from the lab!" The boy smiled and gave a little wave.

"Hello my friends!" whirred the boy in a mechanical voice. This left Austin very confused. Tori laughed at the boy's reaction to the robot.

"Austin this is Jay. Jay this is Austin, the new student I was talking about." she turned to Austin. "He's a clone of our... friend. It's a really, really long story." At the mention of their friend the group seemed to have the same reaction Slade had on the first day, a quick flash of sadness and despair, instantly replaced with a smile. But there was still sadness behind their eyes, there was no hiding it.

A man in a white lab coat stepped up onto the stage and started speaking into the microphone.

"Hello students! I would like to give a warm welcome to our new students, as well as our returning ones. I am Dean Petra!" Lexi snorted, then whispered.

"Yeah that's not gonna happen. Still Professor Petra." The others snickered and agreed. Austin went back to listening to the man. After a few more minutes of the speech, Austin looked around to see lots of the older students were looking around with worried looks on their faces. The professor slowed to a stop, also looking perplexed. He turned to the other teachers.

"Do... do you all feel that?" he asked in a worried tone. He turned sharply to look at the group of students next to him Austin and gestured for them to come up. Tori, Matt, Lexi, and one more boy walked quickly up to the stage.

The new boy who was called up to the stage was by far the strangest person Austin had ever seen. He had... A tail? And... wolf ears? His hair was dark blue and black, and he looked bored. But his eyes said different. He was clearly concerned, and slightly exited. The four students, Slade, the dean, and another teacher started whispering to each other. Austin noticed that the air in the room felt... strange. Like there was some sort of... power. The room felt hotter than when they had arrived.


"The mana levels in this room are suddenly dangerously high. Any ideas?" Professor Petra asked.

"Could it be... that boy? The one with the strange reading? Austin?" reasoned Matt. The other teacher, Professor Thomas, grunted.

"Nah, it's probably just because there's so many kids in here." he said. Lexi rolled her eyes.

"And what is YOUR explanation for the rising heat, good sir?" she mocked. Thomas looked stuck.

"Well..." he frowned. Slade stared at Tori, who was looking down at the ground with a dazed look.

"Tori. Are you okay?" he asked, concern in his voice. She looked up and met everyone in the eye, one at a time.

"This power, the heat. Does it not remind you of-" she was cut off abruptly as a sudden bright glow resonated in the center of the stage. The group backed up and the audience gasped.

Suddenly, in a bright bright flash of orange light, a column of fire burst into existence. But as quickly as it had appeared it stopped. Standing in it's place was a boy with orange hair and a blue shirt. A gasp rang through the auditorium, followed by an eerie silence.

The boy looked down at his hands in shock, then at the people around him. Slowly, a small smile spread across his face. Then he passed out.

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