Author's Note

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This is just a collection of 100 word stories that I came up with. Anyways, onto the warnings that everyone skips:

There will be themes that may be triggering/upsetting to certain readers, such as abuse, suicide, self harm, death, insanity, murder, anorexia, bulimia and other dark themes. If you don't want to read such content, please don't read this.

This book is pure fiction and any similarities between these stories and anything else — fictional or real — are completely coincidental, unless mentioned otherwise.

Don't copy my stories. You'll be in deep shit. If you are here to copy stories, kindly fuck off.

Some of y characters are complete psychos, or have beliefs that may be very different to logical ones. Their behavior or actions do not reflect mine, and are often not ok.

Don't hate. You'll be the one facing the consequences, not me.

If, by any chance, you're inspired to write your own book/story from mine, although highly unlikely, please give me credit for the idea. I just need a quick mention in an author's note, such as this, or in the description. Oh well, it's not like that would happen anyways.

Anyways, now that that is over, THANK YOU FOR READING MY BOOK. I've always thought it was weird, how somebody would actually read my writing in their free time, like, WHAT? Thank you for giving it a chance, despite the lack of updates and the generally shitty writing.

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