And I think of you

22 1 4

Long before I knew it, I had fallen down, down, and down.

Just a year-and-a-half too late.

Your hand is warm when it holds mine, and your voice is soft when we speak.

And my heart thuds and thunders in my chest when I look at you.

A love song plays, and I think of you.

The future feels far away, and now feels like forever, and bustling halls and lined books and loopy cursive feel like all there is.

I sing a love song, and I think of you.

I write a love song, and I think of you.

It's been about a year since I've even looked at my Wattpad, but a whim brought me here, and I decided to write another 100 word story, since they're really short (and wow, I'm out of practice with writing so little). If I ever continue writing these, they'll probably be a lot softer, since I've been doing a lot better than when I was last here.

But I'd like to dedicate this one to @VespiraKatsaros, who commented on a lot of these like 10 months ago, and I only just saw their comments, which motivated me to write a little something.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2020 ⏰

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