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His black trench coat seemed to be flowing in a gust of wind that wasn't even there. Dark as midnight, it was, long too, as it fell down to his calves. The air was frozen in my lungs, holding them in a clawed hand. 

Curling around him lovingly, the fog held him in a motherly embrace.

His head turned to me, ever so slowly.  Cold eyes bore into me, ever so hatefully. 

With a flick of his hand; a curl of his upper lip, the mist shot at me. As it consumed me from inside out, nothing but silence was heard.

Sorry for not posting for ages. I had major writer's block. As much as I hate to say this, I can't keep up the updating schedule. I'll update whenever I can, but I'm pretty sure I can't keep up with a precise schedule like the one I had before. I'm currently working on planning another book. But please, bear with me.

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