chalter 6

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In the grounds of the school beached of most of its color skye in a red hoddie over his blue pillarfor finds krett in a rose gaurden ingrossed in his mind "i never thanked you for saveing my life" said skye "well i never thanked you for not leaveing me to be eaten by wolves" said krett "what were you doing in the forest why was the school in lock down? Asked krett " its a long story i wanted answers so i snuck up a flight of stairs into a secret room where there was a painting with a boy who had blue eyes brown hair he looked alot like you then on a balcony there was a red rose in a belle jar with 12 peatels then i was caught a teacher roared at me so i ran. Apparently leaveing the school is lockdown mode." Exclaimed skye."why were you in the forest?" Asked skye "i was in this garden when something was watching me i passed out and woke up there to you screaming." Said krett.

Mknths past skye walks threw a portal a look of wistful sadness comes to his face the view moves from the wall to a blue skye gaurded by sweet fluffy clouds to a cold silvering moon shineing down on the 2 square towns of the notrodam cafedrol on the banks of riversend skye finds himself inside a wind mill.

Looking down at a rusty old chair he finds a penciel drawing of a baby. "This is the pairs of my childhood  these were the borders of my life in thsi crumbling dusty attack where an artist loved his wife easy to remeber harder to move on knowing the paurs of my childhood is gone." Sang skye As he picks up a babys rattel in the wind mill skye is over come with greif. As he walked backward and the view was bavk to a wall in the school

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