chalter 10

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Skye neels at the boys side clutching his huge hands smileing into his face. As the clock ticks to 12 and kretts eyes glaze over. "No please no come back" said skye crying as the cloak stroke midnight the ground shook and in the gym the walls filled with grey people being swallowed by the grey as they turn to stones as the grey arived at greese she groans lightly and freezes in nosebigs arms. Garderobe shuts her doors stella was tackeled by the grey mixture attacking her she freezes in place the foot stool comes in to lean on the cupored then leans back and falls on its back legs in the air turning to stone. Bolans eyes vanish into grey as it swallows him Baleb,Nich and Starter turned to stone beside bolan Chloe gose ridged beside the last two standing as she turned to stone nosebig and messe turn to face eachother the grey climbs up messe as he stops moveing "nosebig i was an honnor to serve with you." Said messe as his lips froze as Nosebig spen around turning to stone the rest of the gym thrned grey teachers froze as it climbed threw the doors as the lights fade grey the grey mixture waked up the stairs ariveing on the roof where skye was weaping over kretts body as the grey followed a hooded man the same from the party his face unseen glids onto the roof and steps up onto the ledge about to throw himself off the roof. When he heard the words "you did you stoped bullying and your like my family come back i love you." Said skye the mans pale cheeks lift his hands as firey flames fly toward krett ingolfing krett and bright glod sylombent incandesent the man sheads his hood his eyes fixed on krett as he sheads his fur and becomes the human he once was the beast blood flying out of him the bullet hole sealing up skye looks on with amazement the incandesents mealts away krett land back faceing skye whereing nkthing but a white shirt and grey shorts and bare legs he turns and sees skye as there bodys come together into a hug as they hug all the damage around them the schools starts to repare itself. As a winged angel ontop of a slim sprial turns to gold and as the sun rises over the horizon the dark grey school baths in a noce honey color light stone breacking on people in the gym the foot stool flips over becomeing a white cat the cat walks over to chloe and pees as the stone mealted off of her shooing the cat off garderobe opens her drawers pink and red sklks swirlsing out the fabric setelsblike confedy garderobe is revealed as a women in a state of frature as the stone spins off of messe nosebig breacks free and grins at him just as they hug grey feathers fly by them "greese" said nosebig and her hand shoots up from a pile of grey feathers he helps her young lady to her feet and they kiss pasinotly. Bolan baleb, nitch and starter go flying to there nees there colose riped up some whereing a shirt baleb whereing nothing but underwear.

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