Ordered to the Captain's Office

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"Okay, Detective Peralta," The Sergeant began. "You'll be sitting here," She pointed to the desk. "It's the same desk as your father worked. Opposite you is Detective Nikolaj Boyle. Over there is Allson and Deacon, they're useless, don't waste your time with them. Those two desks are Detective Samuel Cook and Detective Benjamin Johnes. Over there by the Captain's office is her assistant, Joseph Morris, Joey for short. The end desk, that's Detective Ashley Hall. I'd keep your distance, he's a little crazy."

Holly nodded. "Thanks for the tip." She smiled.

She knew the Sergeant. She was Ava Jeffords, her 'godsister' as her dad had refrained to multiple times before his disappearance. She also knew Nikolaj Boyle, who was her father's best friend's adopted son.

Ava took her place back at the desk and Holly sat down on the chair at her newly assigned desk. She took a deep breath and smiled. "Oh yeah," She giggled slightly.

"You new here?" A voice came from her side. She looked and saw one of the officers she had been told to keep away from. "I'm Deacon."

"Is that your first name or last name? Because my older brother was almost a Deacon..." She turned to Nikolaj, "Can you believe it? Deacon Peralta?" She almost burst out laughing.

"It's my last, but everyone here calls me it." Deacon said.

"Oh... well, that's what they do in a police Precinct." Nikolaj butted in, making Deacon leave.

"Wow... he's bad, isn't he?" Holly questioned, still hung up on the possibility of her older brother being a Deacon.

Nikolaj only nodded. "Yeah huh." He mumbled.

Holly fumbled with the papers on her desk for a minute before looking back up at the male detective across from him. "Hey, where is the records room? I wanna look at an old case I've had in the back of my mind."

Without thinking it through, Nikolaj spoke, pointing behind Hall's desk. "It's that way, if you keep walking along, you'll see a sign."

"Thanks." She smiled, leaping up from her seat.

Just as she crossed the corner, the Captain walked out her office. "Boyle," She called out, making Nikolaj poke his head up, "Where's Peralta?" She wondered.

"She's just gone to the records room." He answered bluntly.


"Said she wanted look at an old case."

Amy took a deep breath, before following through the same way her daughter went.

In the records room, Holly was quickly flipping through all the cases from when she was younger, around the time her father went missing. As she found the old, torn case file, she smiled reading its label: Case 4C8DF2198J, Jacob Peralta.

"Bingpot!" She muttered to herself, picking it up from the box.

"Peralta!" A voice from behind made her jump, dropping the case file and spin around.

Holly saw her mother angrily glaring at her. She waved. "Hi, mom," She uncomfortably giggled.

"This is a work place, I am your Captain. And as your Captain, I am ordering you to put that file back in the box and report to my office, immediately."

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