Work Till it's Done

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Just a quick A/N to say a huge HUGE thank you to BooHawkins for putting up with all the teasing I gave you and for listening to me when I was ranting about this story! 💕
The Following Morning:

Without any sort of displeasure, Holly woke at her alarm, got ready and was in the living room before Logan, which caused for a morning scare when he came through from the kitchen with a coffee in his hand. After a quick change of clothes for her brother, they both managed to get to work before their shift began. As the elevator doors opened, Amy walked out from her office surprised about the fact the two of them were there on time. -Well, more surprised Holly was there on time rather than Logan.

"Ah, there you both are-" She turned to Logan. "Why are you not in your uniform?" She questioned, taking a second look at the hoodie and jeans the officer was wearing.

"Ask full-blown genius here who thought it would be hilarious to scare the living shit out of me when I was holding coffee." Logan sneered at his sister, who was grinning next to him.

Amy glared at her daughter. "That was not clever, detective." She sighed. Logan looked back at the elevator as it dinged and she gave Holly a quick smile.

"Ohh, Holly, here's your boyfriend!" Logan joked as Cook stepped into the bullpen.

"Shut up!" She hit his elbow, catching him off guard, making him step back an inch.

Holly watched in the corner of her eye as Sam sat at his desk, opposite Ben, who was already there. He greeted the captain before glancing the fellow detective's stare, making them both look away quickly.

Within twenty minutes, the whole crew was in the briefing room, awaiting information on what was going on with the case they had all offered to help with the previous day. Holly stood at the front with a bright smile. "Okay, so day one of the help team, and thanks to Johnes' great theory yesterday, we have a lead." Holly paused to be met with silence. She sighed, "Kinda hoping there would be applause, but never mind." She then ran through the same details she had with Amy and Logan the night before.

The briefing stopped shortly after the details did. She gave everyone specific jobs to do and that was it. As everyone walked back through to the bullpen, Sam stopped in front of Holly.

"Look, I'm sorry about yesterday, and if I've made things weird at work." He sighed, struggling to give her eye contact.

Holly shook it off. "It's not weird, it's not like we slept together or anything." She laughed a little. "Though, Logan won't stop bringing it up." Her smile becoming a little sadder.

"Well, anyway, I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking, you must think of me as a total jerk, someone who only thinks like a teenager." He slowly confessed, in fact making her a little uncomfortable.

"Listen, Sam, it's fine, we're fine, I don't care." She gave him a little smile. "It was actually kinda nice, I haven't had much fun with a guy I'm not related too since I was a kid."

Sam returned the smile. "Well, you were great company too" The two cops stayed silent for a second. When a twinge of awkwardness hit him, Sam pointed into the bullpen, in the direction of his desk, "Well, I'm gonna go look into the van and the license plate, see if there are any connections." He told her before quickly walking off.

Holly stood still, smiling subtly down at the spot where the other detective was stood. She only looked up when her name was called from the captain's office.

She approached and closed the door behind her. "What's going on?" She asked her mother.

"What are you going to do?" Holly questionably raised her eyebrows. Amy sighed, "You gave everyone a job, what are you going to do?"

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