A Lead

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"Hey, how'd your 'date' go?" Logan mocked as his sister came into eyeshot.

"I know you're trying to piss me off, and it is working, but apparently he thought it was a date." Holly sighed, stopping in the midst of the hallway.

"You're kidding?" Holly shook her head. "Well, what did you think? He asked you out for drinks to talk over with the case, that was so obvious it was a ruse to get you out on a date." Logan explained.

Holly raised her eyebrows. "So you're saying he wanted to go out on a date."

Logan nodded. "Yes... I literally just said that."

His younger sister stuck her tongue out at him. Logan smugly smiled over at her. "Shut up," She growled, before walking into her brother's kitchen.

"Oh, before I forget, Ashley called today, wanted to know where you were. You didn't tell him you moved out?" The cop called out just as he heard the door close.

"I haven't moved out, I'm temporally living with my brother to get away from my crazy roommate." She shouted back.

"Right." Logan hesitated, looking back down at his crossword.

Holly eventually emerged from the kitchen. "I promise, as soon as I get a little money, I will get out of here."

"I really couldn't care when you leave. It means we can work the case, and it also means that you're getting sleep." He said, keeping his eyes down on the paper in front of him.

"Speaking of the case, look at this," Holly spoke, making Logan perk his ears up in interest.

"I am," He encouraged, giving her a small smile.

Holly reached into her pocket and unfolded a piece of paper before chucking it on the couch next to him. He lifted the photo and examined it.


A loud banging against the front door made Jack quickly answer it. Standing on the other side was both Holly and Logan, whom were both grinning.

"What are you two bone-zones doing here this late?" Their younger brother asked rudely. "It's almost midnight!"

"We need to talk to mom," Logan pushed his way past. "You should be in bed, it's much past your bedtime," He turned back and laughed.

"It's Monday tomorrow, so it doesn't apply to me," Jack sneered back.

"It's Friday tomorrow." Holly broke in, making Jack stare at her with bug-eyes.

"Crap! I missed school!" He quietly yelled, making sure he didn't attract the attention of his mother in the next room.

Amy's voice came through to the hall. "Holly? Logan? What are you doing here?"

Both Holly and Logan dashed into the living room, one throwing the picture on the table next to their mother. "Here's why," Holly grinned. "Tell me what you see in that picture."

Amy lifted it up and stared blankly at it for a moment. "It's a picture of your father and I when we went to San Francisco the year before he disappeared."

Holly threw another picture down in front. "Same trip, different day, different area." She told her mother, who was now looking confused. "Any similarities?" She wondered.

Amy slowly shook her head. "Not that I can see."

"Okay, how about now?" A third picture hit the table, this one being a completely different place. "I remember this one being taken, three weeks before the disappearance, you took Logan and I to Central Park and we all visited Manhattan for the day," Amy raised her eyebrows. Holly pointed to a vehicle in the background. "This white van with the same licence plate is shown in all three printed pictures, and in all photos with dad in that were all taken within a year before he went missing." She began showing Amy all photos, zooming in on the van.

"We ran the licence with all dealerships and got an owner, a Miss Maria White, we ran her name in the system, and it's made up, but we've got something." Logan added.

Amy smiled up. "Well, that is incredibly impressive, and I am a little ashamed we didn't see this all those years ago." She sighed. "We'll look into it in the morning, but right now, it's late, you two should get home," She glared over at Jack, who was standing in the doorway, "And you need to go to bed, I'm not impressed you missed school."

Holly smiled and whispered into Logan. "Ha! Now Jack's in trouble, and I thought I was the disappointment." She grinned.

"You are," Logan said back, returning the smile as his sisters disappeared from her face. "Ow! Why'd you do that?" He squealed after Holly smashed her fist against his shoulder.

"That's what you get, nimface!" Holly laughed.

Logan glared, but yet couldn't help but feel impressed too, he had underestimated her at first. She had shown that she was a great detective, and that there was somewhere to go with this case, at least.

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