Case Closed (Again).

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"Okay, Erik, a shady car has been located outside for two hours, so we're leaving."

'Erik' raised his eyebrows. "Why?"

"Because I believe it's the cops." She knelt to the dusty ground to begin untying the knots on the chair that he was held down by. Those weren't the same knots from the rope that tied his hands together.

"Didn't you give them a note basically telling them where we were?" 'Erik' questioned.

"No," She shook her head. "Your brother Ed did."

'Erik' swung his head back. "Will you quit with all this make-believe, please. I'm sick of being called Erik. That isn't my name, Hawkins, you know it isn't." He seethed, throwing a stern look toward her. "Can you please let them get you now?"

"No, no, I can't go back to prison. I went for thirty-years because of you!" She mentioned.

"No, no, you were in prison for seven, then you escaped." He corrected, stiffening up with every passing second.

A gentle knock at the door made Hawkins look over with a terrified look. "We need to leave, now!"

A second went passed before another knock, this time a pounding against the wooden make. "Police, open up!" A male voice shouted from behind.

She grabbed 'Erik' by the old shirt he was wearing and pulled him up, making him wince a little with the pain. "Oh don't be a baby!" She strictly instructed.

The door had a kick thrown against it, and it fell down in one. Stood at the door were two cops, dressed in their bulletproof vests, along with all equipment needed. Their guns both pointed toward Hawkins.

"You'll never catch me." She swiftly told them before dropping the shirt she had grasped in her hand. She turned toward the back exit, taking a quick step forward before falling face down.

"Boom, bitch! That's what you get!" Logan proudly beamed as Ben sat on her back to make sure she didn't try to flee.

"How did you get in, you said the back door was impossible to pick?" Sam wondered, smiling at the other officer.

"Turns out it was already open." Logan laughed, helping Ben pick Hawkins from the dirt floor.

She was quickly arrested and placed in the back of the undercover car they had all spent hours in not that long ago.

"That. Was. Awesome!" Holly grinned, watching Hawkins glare at her from a few meters away.

"The first arrest, I bet it did." Ben smiled, walking out of the wooden shack-like building. "We checked around the building, there isn't anyone else."

"Great." Holly nodded slightly.

"Anyway, Ben and I will take her back to the Precinct, while Logan and yourself talk to the very clearly stunned man in there. He needs your help right now." Sam told them, looking at Holly with a wide smile.

Both Logan and Holly nodded. "Yeah, we can manage that," Holly told the other two officers before dragging her brother in the shack behind her.

"Hello, sir, are you okay?" Holly kindly asked, Logan keeping in the back.

"Yeah, it just happened so fast." 'Erik' sighed.

"Well, don't worry sir. We're going to make sure she goes back to prison and remains there till death." Holly smiled, walking behind him to untie the last of the ropes.

"Well, thank you, I was starting to go a crazy being kept up here for years." He gave both the cops a goofy smile. "I'm Erik." The smile immediately disappeared.

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