5//dumb wishes

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"You want to be a sunshine?" I asked, voice getting sloppy.
"Well I mean you guys get the good in everything. You seen how it is down there, it's like hell rose to the occasion. Everyone here has asked theirselves what life would be like if they were a sunshine. Life would be pretty and full. And things would be easier. We wouldn't have to fight for anything we have."

"Being a sunshine isn't all that. We're basically all spoiled. Handed everything and given the sunshine when it rains. We even greet each other in the mornings like we're all friends around here and we're not. We shame others who aren't like us and it's sick. I'm not like them. I'm no sunshine. I don't want to be. Toxins are cool. You guys have these powers that can do such amazing things. Why want to give that up?"

I looked out to the boardwalk. The water runs up to the walls on this side. When you looked down, you could see people walking around, laughing and having a good time. But then I look behind me and see the line where the sky changes for them and lets ash fall from the sky. Not even a since house stands without a room crashed in.

"Come with me tonight." She said. "I'll show you what I mean."

"What do you mean come with you?" Was she crazy? I can't run out into the open with her and not die of running on rooftops.

"Stay here on this side of the boarder tonight. You'll see how it all happens. You'll have to hide half the time but stay here and watch how it all goes."

I looked around back to the sunny side and then back to the dark side.

"Okay. Take me where you want. Do what you want. Just don't let me die. But if I do this, you come to me tomorrow night. You stay with me. We do what I want and how I want. And I promise nobody will find you."

We shook on it. Her slightly cold hands cooled my sweaty ones down.

The sun went down. It was a beautiful sight. I took a picture with my phone of the sunset and then a picture of her looking at it. Then I turned the camera around and took a picture of her and I.

"NO DONT!" She squeaked. "IM NOT GONNA POST IT! Chill!!" I poked her. She playfully punched me. Her smile showed in the growing darkness. Her beautiful smile.....

Woah. No.

"Come on let's go down before someone sees us." She stood and pulled me up with her. We trotted down the stairs and I loved my hoodie back up and hid my face from anyone. She pulled me to a two story building that had a crashed in roof in one of the corners. All the windows were busted in and he front door had extra bolted locks on it.

We swiftly moved inside.

"I'm not going into sunnyside tonight. So you get to chill here with me."
My stomach growled with hunger, begging me for food to keep my energy.

"You hungry?" She asked, chuckling. Guess he heard my stomachs cry for help.

"Good luck getting food. I eat maybe a piece of sliced bread a day. You want food? Gotta go find it."
Damn. I can't risk going out and getting caught.

"I'm good. But I'm starving. Sorry if I get cranky. I'm not sure I can stay here like this." I dont want to piss her off and I don't want to be a chicken but I can't stay like this. I'm a sunshine. I wasn't raised like this.

"Maybe you should go home tonight. This was a dumb idea I'm sorry." She apologized. She dropped her rock she was fiddling with. Their was a small sleeping bag in the middle of the floor and a small lantern on the floor beside it. Their was a duffle bag full of clothes and a few weapons scattered on the floor and in what I guess was a bathroom.

"Come to my place tonight." I sparked.
"What? No."
"You said you would try."
"Only if you did."
"Well I clearly can't but theirs no reason why you can't come with me."

She looked like she went into thought for a good two minutes before she answered.

"I'll go. But I can't just disappear for a night. That's not like me. People will suspect what I'm doing. I usually do three or four nights out on my own on sunnyside. Then I come back with whatever food, clothing, or items I'm able to get for toxins."

More then one night? That's gonna be hard but it can be done.

"Pack your bags. We leave before the sun completely sets."

She started throwing the weapons into the duffle bag and collecting a few things from the bathroom and shoving them inside before zipping it up and throwing it over her shoulder.

"If they see you with me they're going to ask who you are. Want to see your face. Leave before me. I'll wait about five minutes before following out to you at the bushes where we met earlier. Wait for me there."
She pushed me out the door and closed it behind me. I put my good back up and headed straight for the borderline.

People looked at me and stared. You could tell some people were already suspicious. I just swallowed my fear and kept walking with my head down and hands in my pockets. Eventually, I reached the end and slid into the bushes.

My back pressed to the wall, I closed my eyes and basically went into a ball with my knees to my chest. Praying the didn't realize I'm a sunshine.

"Jungkook!" Someone whispered.

I opened my eyes and looked to see Nicoletta standing there. Alone and with her things.

"Let's go to sunnyside."

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