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"Fuck off, terrorist

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"Fuck off, terrorist."

Sarcastic, deep snickering emitted from the men and women. Standing in their pale white skin and beaming blue eyes. They were gorgeous, as if literal gods and goddesses.
But the way they spoke to Carola was disgusting. Hurtful. Ugly.
The tan skinned woman took a step back and huffed, feeling heat rise to her freckled cheeks from their ugly racism.
"Get out of the way, will you? I don't wanna be here as much as you don't want me here."

One of the aryan men brought his hand to his ear and looked around.
"What's that? Allahu akbar! Allahu akbar!"
Carola could almost laugh from his terrible attempt to be rude, but what really boiled her blood was the way his group found him to be hysterical. She itched to point out how lame he was, but she knew they'd just keep annoying her and driving her to insanity.
"Oh look, she's not even wearing her hijab. Tsk tsk tsk, what a whore." One of the girls mocked and tilted her head, her wavy blond hair moving with her movements.

"Being a whore is opening your legs to any guy that buys you a new purse," Carola smirked, eyeing the woman's white Yves Saint Lauren bag.

Carola didn't expect the hard push that had her tumbling, her phone dropping from her air jacket's pocket when she attempted to capture her balance.
She yelped and dodged a kick heading to her face by rolling to the side.
"Go shove a bomb up your ass, you bitch!" The blonde woman tried, but Carola just stood up and dusted herself off.
"I couldn't fit one if I tried, my asshole isn't gaping wide like yours, habibti."

Before the raging, tall blonde woman could rip the hairs out of Carola's scalp, a random boy stepped in in front of Carola and held the blonde's shoulders.
He was tall and muscular, his maroon red backpack was all Carola could see. She was shocked to have a saviour, too distracted to even realise the words coming out of his mouth.
"This is America," one of the angry aryans began. "Go back to terroristland, you bitch."

"I'm from Egypt, nut job!"
The man standing in the middle turned around and gave Carola a look as to shut up before she gets herself into more trouble. He quickly shooed the angry gang away, puffing a bit from his lecture to how rude they're being before finally turning around to look at her.
"This is your first day here, isn't it?"

Carola nodded, her silver-dyed curly hair bopping up and down.
"Hell of a college tour, that's for sure."
The man let out a handsome chuckle, showing his perfect set of teeth.
Carola watched as he extended his hand out to shake hers.
"I'm Ryan, sorry about those idiots. They're pretty much the natzis of the campas, you should have seen what they did to Vincent's dorm room."
She shook his hand, he had a firm grip on hers, yet friendly. Carola looked into his bright green eyes.
"Who's Vincent?"
"My friend. He's Jewish."

She threw her head back slowly and let out a sound of understanding, causing Ryan to chuckle a little.
"Christ, I didn't know University of Massachusetts was still living in the 1940's."
He let out another small laugh before nodding his head, turning to look to a door to a lecture room, presumably his.
Carola noticed his fresh cut. His hair was light brown and styled pretty casually for a young adult.
"Well, you seem pretty cool. You're welcome to come hang out with me sometimes, I'll introduce you to my friends."

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