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You would not believe your eyes

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You would not believe your eyes

If ten million fireflies

Carola hummed to herself before going into a fit of giggles, unable to believe herself for humming such an overused-meme of a song, but she couldn't help but think of it when a small, curious firefly landed on her exposed knee through her ripped jeans.
The woman held her hand out for the bug and smiled as it flied off and landed on the shoulder of her denim jacket.
"Hey little buddy." She murmured, smiling down at the glowing creature.

Human sensation kicked in, however, when she felt eyes on her.
Heat would rise to the side of her head, she turned to the direction of the mysterious man, judging by his silhouette, he was facing her.
She focused enough on him to notice his eyes, the eyes that were burning the side of her head as though they were laser beams.
Carola begged to tear away from his hypnotising gaze, but she couldn't. She liked his face too much, even if the only light came from the pool, it was enough to show his features.

Then he stood up. Although he was far, just standing up made her jump in her seat.
Oh my God. He's coming this way. He's coming my way.
Her mind raced a million thoughts a second as his long, slender legs walked casually around the pool.
Carola prepared herself mentally and physically, trying not to look like she was fixing her hair, even though that was exactly what she was doing.
He walked towards her, not even looking at her as he took a seat on the chaise lounge right beside hers with a low grunt.

Carola watched as he made himself comfortable, stretching his legs out and putting his hands behind his head, eyes staring up at the night sky.
Peculiar, she thought. And he was peculiar, indeed. She felt like he was trying to talk to her in some unknown body language, and she so desperately wanted to say something, but nothing came to mind.
He was less than a foot away from her now, yet he had nothing to say.
Carola cleared her throat.

"It's pretty cold isn't it?"
The man brought his index finger to his lips and glared at Calora. A shiver ran down her spine as she widened her eyes at his actions, feeling a little disrespected.
"Okay... I'm gonna go."

She heard him sigh audibly, forcing his eyes shut.
What the hell was up with him?
Carola sat back down on her chaise lounge, finally feeling a little relieved when he sat up straight too, slender hand running through his silky hair.
"You reek of alcohol."

Carola's heart hammered against her rib cage.
His voice was so deep and clear, she hadn't prepared herself for that. It made her lips part slightly, then slowly form into a sly smirk from his Korean.
"You reek of cigarettes." She replied just as fluently.

The man blinked a few times, dumbfounded by her understanding of his language. The smirk on her face made the fire inside him light up more.
"I'm gonna be honest with you, I didn't expect that." He grinned lazily, his lids heavy as he admired her eyes.
He knew they were coloured, her iris was dark and clear, surrounded by the beautiful light shade of hazel that were lit by the pool
Carola chuckled.
"Expect the unexpected."
He nodded his head slowly. "Good advice. I have some advice for you, too."

"What's that?"

Carola leaned back as he leaned forward, but she could only go so far. His lips reached her ear as his arms were on either side of her, she could smell the nicotine and expensive cologne, both lingering in her nostrils heavenly.

"Don't look away after getting caught staring at someone. It shows weakness."

His whispering in her ear made her body tremble, his hot breath hitting her cold skin and warming it up, his heat radiating from his body onto hers.
They stared at each other for seconds, both examining the other's features.
She noticed the small mole he had on his nose, he noticed the small mole she had just above her lip.
They both liked what they saw instantly, only one had the confidence to show it by smiling their boxed smile.

"Who are you?"

"Taehyung Kim. Nice to finally meet you, neighbour."


Cigarettes and cologne.

The smell still lingered in her nostrils.
He went from being some rude guy she met to the only thing on her mind.
His voice, his scent, the way he spoke.
Carola twisted and turned in her bed, unable to get a single second of sleep for the life of her.
Things were no different for Taehyung.

The man laid in his bed and stared up at the ceiling, hands neatly resting on top of his chest as he breathed slowly.
His eyes were heavy, reaching out to sleep, but alas, sleep would reject his needs and run off with his thoughts.
This wouldn't have been the first time he thought of her, however. It's hard to forget those silver locks of hers, complimenting her tan skin and flattering hazel eyes.
Morning was a bad sign.
Carola has gone the entire night without getting any sleep, she even managed to surprised herself, going through a full 5 hours without realising it.

The woman stood up from her bed and opened the curtains to watch the sun slowly rise from the horizon, endless white snow coating the surface as the sun slowly made an appearance.
Carola sighed and hugged her naked arms, taking this moment to admire the view from her dorm.
She never had these kinds of views back in Egypt. Although troublesome to some, snow was beautiful to her.
Soft, cold, natural.
Nothing like Egypt.


The Arabian woman snapped her head at the call of her name.
Kelsey sat in her bed with her phone hiding in her covers, and to think she was asleep the whole time.
"You doing okay?"

Carola nodded to her roommate. The girl stood up from her bed and walked to a confused Carola, curious to see what she would do.

Carola smelled lavender when Kelsey unexpectedly closed the space between them and hugged her roommate. Confusion would then wash over her, unsure if she should hug her back or no.
"Are you okay, Kelsey?"

"I'm okay," the red headed girl muttered in the crook of Carola's neck.
"You just looked really cool staring out the window like that, and you feel warm."

Carola blinked in confusion.
If she knew America would be this weird, she would have had second thoughts.
But it was too late.


im so annoying i know ksksks
i mean, fireflies, really?

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