˗ˋˏ Ice Cream ˎˊ˗

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Eras: Fever Ryan & Pretty. Odd. Brendon

Inspired by a prompt from Tumblr

a/n: lmao this hasn't been updated in ages. thank you for 1k reads on something with only 5 oneshots that hasn't been updated in over a year?? that's pretty. rad. anywho half of this was written over a year ago and i finally decided to finish it this past week. enjoy some wholesome (and rushed) ryden content.

word count: 906

"Hey, Ryyyy," Brendon whined, half of his body hanging off of his bed. He could see his best friend sitting on his desk chair in front of him. He was also upside down to Brendon.

"Hey, Brennnn," Ryan mocked, looking up from his phone to look at his upside-down friend. "Whatttt?"

"I want ice creammmm," he responded, pouting a little.

"Good for youuuu," Ryan said, turning his attention back to his phone.



"Can we go get someeee?" Brendon pleaded.

"Why?" Ryan was still scrolling through his phone, but he was intently paying attention to the boy.

Brendon huffed. "Because it's hot outside."

"But we're inside," he replied with a bored tone.

"You're no fun," he sighed, rolling right side up on the bed and crossing his arms over his chest. He sat there, pouting at Ryan for five minutes. Ryan noticed Brendon wasn't moving out of the corner of his eye, so he looked up and raised a questioning eyebrow. Brendon took notice of this and asked like a needy child, "Can we pleaseeee get some ice cream?" He continued to stare at Ryan with a jutted out lip and pleading eyes.

Eventually, Ryan gave in. "Fine," he groaned, getting up from the desk chair.

Brendon's face instantly lit up. He jumped from his position on his bed to grab his wallet on his desk. He grabbed his best friend's hand and yanked him out of his room, running down the stairs. "Ryan and I are going to get ice cream!" he called, not knowing where his mom was in the house, he just wanted to get out as fast as possible.

"Okay, honey!" she yelled from somewhere, Brendon soon shutting the front door behind them. Brendon started picking up his pace again, his hand still holding Ryan's.

"Jeez, Bren, slow down!" he shouted at his friend who was dragging him down the street. Once he slowed to a normal pace, Ryan let go of Brendon's hand, he didn't want them to be mistaken for a couple again. Not that he minded, no, not at all, it was that he had a huge crush on the younger boy. His face would turn a deep shade of crimson every time someone would ask or assume, and he didn't need Brendon saying something about it.

They soon arrived at the little ice cream shop, Ryan ordering plain vanilla while Brendon ordered a caramel sundae with rocky road ice cream and rainbow sprinkles. The former stared with wide eyes as the latter carried the ridiculous dessert to their table once they paid.

"Is that really necessary?" Ryan asked incredulously because who on Earth needed that much ice cream.

"Yup," Brendon grinned back, mouth already full of ice cream.

"It's times like these when I question your maturity," the taller muttered, digging into his dessert less aggressively than his best friend.

Brendon gave a faux glare at Ryan, finally swallowing his food before replying. "I heard that, you know."

Ryan ignored his comment as Brendon continued to stare him down. With each passing second, Ryan's face began feeling warmer and warmer until he finally decided to make things less awkward by murmuring, "You have something on your face," and proceeding to place his thumb on the corner of Brendon's mouth to wipe away the ice cream.

Brendon watched Ryan, his heart pounding rapidly in his chest. As Ryan slowly retracted his thumb, Brendon began breathing a bit harder and he set his gaze down to his sundae. "I'm- I'm just gonna uh," he sputtered, jerking his hand back to the restroom, "uh, yeah." He quickly lifted himself up from his seat and darted away from the table.

Sighing, Ryan placed his elbows on the table, the heels of his hands over his eyes. Chest tightening, his breath became slow and short as if to say, What have I done? Ryan didn't know how long he sat like that, different thoughts flying through his mind, before he felt a hesitant tap on his shoulder. His head shot up as he feigned a smile even though he was on the brink of tears.

"I'm not going to ask because I know you're not okay," Brendon stated matter-of-factly, looking at the boy seated in front of him, whose smile faltered. "But I want to apologize for running off because you're clearly torn up about that and it's totally fine what you did because I can tell that you like me and to be honest I like you too-"

"What?" Ryan interrupted, shocked.

"I- I said that I like you too," Brendon trailed off, looking away and slowly regretting his earlier rambling. 

Ryan smiled softly before gently grabbing Brendon's face and meeting it with his own in a kiss. Pulling back he muttered, "I was trying to hide my feelings for so long, was I really that obvious?"

"Your face got as red as a tomato when people would as if we were a couple," Brendon giggled. He paused, the grin falling off of his young face. "Are we? A couple?" 

"If that's what you want," Ryan smiled, grabbing his friend's hand.

Brendon nodded before initiating another kiss. Pulling away with a smile, he went and sat back down in his seat, looking at his sundae. Ryan looked at it too, then cracked a toothy grin.

"Maybe if you hadn't run off, half of your sundae wouldn't have turned into soup."

Ryden OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon