˗ˋˏ Art Boy ˎˊ˗

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a/n: this has been adapted from my old phan oneshot book i had :)

eras: 2011 brendon & 2009 ryan

word count: 963

Ryan Ross was always seen sketching in class. No one knew what it was that he drew because every time someone approached him, he immediately closed his sketchbook. Whatever it was he drew, however, always made him smile. When he finished each sketch, he smiled brighter before starting on the next one.

Ryan was also one of the quieter, shier, more socially inept kinds in his school. He didn't have any friends there, though he made some friends online. His social awkwardness came into full swing when his art teacher told her students to, outside of class time, ask someone to model for them whilst the student taking the course would draw them. Ryan hated talking to people face-to-face at all costs, even if it was just a simple greeting, so the task proved to be daunting for the boy. He decided, for his sake, to draw a student from afar. Sure, it could be deemed creepy by some, but Ryan could care less. His subject was in a few of his classes, making it easy for Ryan to draw him with minor stalking.

Brendon Urie would be Ryan's perfect muse.

Brendon was one of the more well-known and well-liked people in his school, but he wasn't a snob by any means. He talked to a lot of people but wasn't involved with extra-curriculars. Often, he wore leather jackets and all-black clothes.

Brendon Urie was also the person Ryan Ross had a massive crush on.

Ryan sat in one of his classes he shared with Brendon and took out some pages from his sketchbook and a pencil. Instead of listening and watching the teacher's lecture, he turned his focus to dan. He took in all of the boy's shapes, his curves, his angles, making sure that he captured the true beauty in his drawings that was Brendon Boyd Urie.

Ryan was able to work amazingly fast, making almost three drawings of his secret muse in forty-five minutes. Pulling out a folder from his backpack, he tucked the sketch pages inside for safekeeping to later turn into the art teacher.

He didn't realize he left the folder behind before leaving the classroom.

Brendon left the class after Ryan. Not knowing that Ryan dropped the folder, he picked it up off of the tile floor. Curiosity getting the best of him, he opened the folder, looking through its contents. His mouth was agape as he rifled through it; there were about ten pages, some dating back to months ago that were all of him. Looking for its owner's name, he promptly closed it, interested to know who drew him so many times. Printed neatly in the corner, Brendon's gaze landed on letters written in gold sharpie.

G. Ryan Ross.

Brendon fled the room in search of Ryan. He knew who Ryan was, the cute, quiet kid in his classes, because he knew everyone whether they were aware of it or not. He grew quite fond of Ryan without even talking to him. Sure, the drawings were creepy, but they made Brendon's heart flutter knowing he could have such an effect on someone.

Brendon, though not having done any sports in his life, had surprisingly good stamina while running throughout the halls. Quickly, he recognized the boy he was looking for just by noticing his pastel clothes and wavy, mousy hair. "Ryan!" he called, loud enough to gain his peer's attention.

Ryan instantly whipped his head around, his eyes widened in shock, maybe a bit of horror too. "Br-Brendon? What do you w-want?" he stuttered, his line of sight dropping down to the purple folder held in calloused hands. His heart dropped to his feet as his face paled.

"You left this in Calc," Brendon panted with a small smile on his face, handing the folder out for Ryan.

"O-oh, thanks. Di-id you l-look at it?" Ryan asked, sounding a bit more nervous. His hand reached out hesitantly and grabbed it from its captor's grasp.

The soft grin was still on Brendon's face, attempting to assure Ryan that it wasn't disturbing. "Yeah, I did. Your drawings are really good." His words did little to calm Ryan. "I didn't know that I had a secret admirer."

"W-well, it's j-just for a project an-and, um," the brunet trailed off, playing with his yellow hoodie's large sleeves. He avoided Brendon's gaze, waiting to get yelled at. Tears already started brimming in his eyes as he stared at his hands.

Brendon sensed Ryan's distress before rushing out, "It doesn't me, really. You could have just asked me to be your model, I'm totally down for that." He placed a comforting hand on Ryan's shoulder and stepped a bit closer.

"Really?" Ryan asked, slowly looking into Brendon's eyes.

"Totally," he smiled. "I'd love modeling for someone as cute as you." After he winked, Ryan's face flushed red before looking away again. "Want to meet up after school today? So you can, y'know, draw me from a better angle or something?"

Ryan gave a small smile. "S-sure."

Brendon found a conveniently stashed pen in his jacket pocket and took one of Ryan's hands in his. "Here's my number," he said whilst writing. Once he was done, he brought Ryan's hand up to his lips, brushing them across the boy's knuckles. "See you later." Dropping Ryan's hand, the raven stalked off past him.

Standing in the corridor in pure shock, Ryan tried to process what the hell just happened. The bell rang and he still stood in the hall. He finally registered the ring and walked away, late to his next class.

Despite earning a detention slip for arriving late, Ryan was happy that he spent all of his classes the past few months drawing the boy who agreed to model for him.

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