screw you

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what the fuck is going on
shooting people simply cuz they're black or brown
why is this going on in every town?
can't we go back to the time of cupid
see and love it's not that hard
you're just fucking stupid
stop playing these games
you're hurting them all
making them think they should be ashamed
making them think they should be scared
no. they ARE scared
cuz you think you can point your gun
at someone who's done nothing wrong
at anyone who doesn't even try to run
stop shooting bullets
your skin color doesn't matter
can't you see all the families hearts you shatter?
you're a monster
but the media protects you
"the black man was dangerous"
and to them that's the truth
doesn't matter that he did nothing wrong
doesn't matter that he has a child
doesn't matter how happy he was singing his favorite song
all you see is color
not the innocent lover
and you know you have the proper deck of cards to do whatever the hell you want
i just wish you'd use it for good
or that every lie wasn't bought

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