(ex) friends

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don't pretend we're friends
you know what you've done
you know what you're doing
you're the person the devil sends

you've fucked up my life
left me broken
all for a boy
who wasn't yours to begin with

he was mine
and you took him from me
now you pretend you're an angel
pretending i can't see
all the fucked up things you do to me

they say keep your enemies close
but i want nothing to do with you
i can't believe you're someone i fucking chose
but how was i to know what you were planning to do

i hope everyone quits turning a blind eye
i hope they see the demon you are
and kiss your sorry ass goodbye
hope they realize you've gone too far

hope they choose me over you
hope they realize i'm the better of the two
and that this whole time they had no clue
what you were doing to me
when no one could see
when i crumbled to my knees

defeated is what you left me
cuz i was weak and you used it against me
your heart reeks of monstrosity
you're my worst dichotomy
yet you pretend you're fond of me
you're the cause of my insanity

you want what i have but you can't fucking get it
you stole my boyfriend so they'd say you're desirable
but really you're pathetic
and you make me sick

fuck you
enjoy my boyfriend
and you're shitty life too

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