Falling Angels

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Story:typical cliche 😂

"Ahh you know what it's really sunny today glad I got the best spot" he said. Then a shadow fell over him. "What the hell.....*bang*..oof...what's this heavy thing on me..".
"Well excuseeee you I'm not heavy or fat!"she says then she starts to cry " waaaaaa I thought I was gonna die"
Lucy continues to cry while still laying on top of Natsu. He pats her head.
"Hey now don't cry your lucky i was here what's your name"
"I...it's Lucy..." she reply's while sniffing. "Well hello Lucy I'm Natsu...uhm...ik your upset and all but you are a bit heavy do you mind if we sit up" He says nervously while still keeping his sly smile. "S..sure".
They sit up now with Lucy in his arms and Natsu hugging her and stroking her hair. "Calm down its alright"
"B..but I don't understand why they would do that..there so mean and I can't even get a normal school day without being bullied..." She starts telling him about her bullies and Natsu listens to her occasionally comforting her when she's about to cry.
"Well after this I don't think they will be bullying you anymore"
He smirked "You'll see"

 "Well after this I don't think they will be bullying you anymore""Why?"He smirked "You'll see"

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The night someone somewhere was upset. "WTF...why is she still alive and why would he be friends with a slut like her gosh she's so ugly that's it Lucy you better be aware I'm coming for you! Sluts shouldn't have friends and they shouldn't be alive! Your dead to me"
A plan was being put into action nobody knew when it was going to take place but somehow he had a feeling of it. He knew something was coming yet...yet..why didn't he do anything.....





The next day Lucy came to school she was feeling quite better. Still down but better. What she didn't expect is her bullies (Gajeel Redfox, Laxus Dreyar and Juvia Lockser) standing in front her locker all had a few bruises with their faces fallen, well Laxus just looked planned pissed so I don't actually know. The first thing she heard out of all there mouths was "m'sorry" In the most depressing voice as if she didn't deserve it.
"I'm not forgiving you"
"SO we don't want your forgiveness" Laxus stated and incidentally Natsu seemed to be behind him and he gave him a kick where the sun don't shine.
"Oi Oi Oi what did I say apologise properly" he scolded.
Lucy blushes a little "N..Natsu you didn't have to......"
"Yes I did! Your not the only one who wants a normal life come on class is about to start and I swear if I see or hear anything about you three it's going to be HELL!" He takes Lucy's hand and drags her to class.
Out of the three Gajeel starts talking first. "....So I take it he doesn't know anything about her...."
"Pfft...no it's going to be a real surprise when he figures out her family is full of sluts and she probably is one...*laughs* this is gonna be fun"

*time skip to lunch bought by a new person!!! LEMON-CHAN!🍋. I'll try and get a photo of her later on but there's also her assistant OANGE! 🍊They are both sooo adorable.

"Say...Lucy I've been meaning to ask you..."
"Ask me what Natsu?"She begins to get nervous as she knows the rumours passed around about her.
"You can trust me right"
"Y..Y..yeah...I..I..guess so?"
"I've heard the rumours" her face starts to fall as she try's to hold in the tears. "Will you talk to me about it?"
She becomes surprised " are you sure you want to hear about it....*fiddles with drink in her hands*...it's pretty distressing..."
"It's alright! I mean we are friends now aren't we and friends tell each other everything....I KNOW!*he jumps up while Lucy flinches at the sudden shout* how about I tell you my story first then you can tell me yours after awhile k?"
"Ok I'll tell you the short story first then later the long one"
"When I was young I met this person he was really nice and he treated me nice and gentle unlike my parents who just basically spoiled me but never gave me attention*pause* everyday I would go visit him in the park cause he promised to meet me there and he would spend time with me...he was like the parent that actually cared for me...take me out nice places...spend time with me on my birthdays and on his...then my parents found out I was sneaking out to go visit him...they warned me not to see him but I ignored them...then one day while I was out with him in the park my parents came...they..they...*he try's to find the words while he's trying so hard to break down in tears*...
"Natsu it's ok you don't have to go on...."
"I'm sorry will tell you the rest when I can" he breaks down into tears and Lucy comforts him by giving him a hug and soothingly stroking his back. "It's ok...it's ok you don't have to go on just rest now ok"
Soon enough to Lucy's surprise he falls asleep. "Wow both about lives are messed up but...but is it ok to stay together" she thinks before she also falls asleep.
They wake up 30mins later (the lunch breaks as their schools are long since they are seniors so they have 2-3 lessons a day so on this day their lunch break is 1 and a half hours).
Natsu is the first to wake up. "Mmmnn..*yawns softly*..where am I..oh...Lucy! Lucy wake up lunch is almost over we have 10mins left"
Lucy wakes up slowly. "What...*she says while stretching exposing her cleavage*
Natsu try's not to make it obvious he is looking. "Natsu"
He jumps. "Y..yes?"
He looks at his hand only to find it on one of her boobs.
"Oh..uh..uh Sorry sorry! It was an accident...but now that I think about it you have a nice rack of...Ow Ow Owwww I'm sorry I won't say anthying" he says while she punches him.
"Your such a pervert"she says while blushing.
"M'sorry" He says while also blushing.
They get up and start walking to class and before separating to go to each other's class plan a meeting point after school as they don't really want to go home.

*another time skip to 5months later and basically over the months they have gotten closer to each even in the holidays they spent time with each other. When they first met it was a few weeks after they open school so now it's February and here's when the first incident happens*

Lucy stepped out of her house to find a blue kitten in a basket outside. "Aww aren't you cute look at you.. I think I'm going to keep you since they don't really care" she picks the kitten up and takes it with her to school meeting Natsu along the way. "Aww Lucy where did you get that kitten it is so cute"
"It was in a basket outside my door looks like the owners didn't want it but..I don't think I can keep it last time I had a pet they...they...nvm do you think you can take care of it?"
"They what?....Yeah sure definitely since I live on my own and the apartments allow pets it should be ok"
"That's good lets get going to class"
On his way to class he gets stopped by a girl. "Uhm Natsu...can..can I talk to you"
"Hmm yh sure what do yah want"
"Not here somewhere private"
*Natsu thinks to himself that this sounds fishy*
"No can do...look whatever you gotta say say it now"
"Uhm well do you want to go out with me...?"
"Well I heard your friends with gray so i thought you would be cool with it?"
"Ugh no anyways Gray has a Girlfriend so if that's what you looking for no way"
She takes something from behind her back going to hit him with it but is stopped by someone.
"Woah woah Claire (random name btw) no violence here this is going to earn you a detention" it was the student council president Erza Scarlet.
"Oh hey Erza" Natsu says.
"Natsu get to class" she says while sighing.
"On it student prez!...oh and you..yes you Claire girl or whatever your name is whoever told you I'm friends with Gray is a liar I would never be friends with that bastard"
"Oh really now I thought you two were best of buddies" Erza said
Natsu forgot she was there for awhile and said what was on his mind then when she said that with her infamous glare he corrected himself. "I..I meant we are not close we are friends but not close!"
"Hmm ok"

I meant we are not close we are friends but not close!""Hmm ok"

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👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾her infamous glare of you were wondering.
But little did Natsu know that was the first of the attacks he was going to get and boy oh boy where they gonna get harder.

Wasssuppp you allll how's it goingggg!!
Well there isn't really anyone reading this but if are thanks for reading my book!
Also I haven't been updating much as I have school and all that but since my holidays are coming up I'm going to try and update more when I don't have plans (basically 3/4 of the holidays)
I'd appreciate it if you leave your thoughts on my books as this is kinda my first time actually writing down my ideas and putting them out 😳😳

Well anyways that's it for today so TTFN PEEPS!

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