Pure fluff fluff

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(Lucy up top 👆👆👆)

Lucy was laying asleep on Nastu's lap while he was calmly stroking her hair. Natsu couldn't help but stare at the beautiful woman he had in his life. To him she was his everything and he'd treasure her, protect her and most importantly love her. He was head over heels for her.
(natsu,  lucy
"Lucy... I.. I love you so much... I wouldn't be able to live if you were gone"

Lucy turned which showed Natsu that she was awake. She sat up on his lap straddling him put her arms around him,  caressing his cheeks.
"Nastu I'm here,  I'm not going anywhere... I love you too so much and it would hurt if you disappeared too"

They share an embrace of hugging and kissing like they haven't done it in ages which ends up with Natsu pushing Lucy down in bed hands on her waist. Kissing her body gently from head to toe.  Caressing her breasts,  hips and everything.  This causes Lucy to go into a state of pure bliss because she had never felt so good in her life before.  She was the type to share her first time with someone she loved so dearly and she felt like Natsu was the one for it.

Natsu slithered a hand down inbetweeen her legs. " Lucy... Are you sure about this, do you want to give your first to someone like me?"

"Yes Natsu I do and your not worthless your the love of my life ❤"

After those words he delved deeper between her legs massaging that place that place that made Lucy go crazy from the slow pace and the feeling.  After making sure she was prepared he took her v-card so gently Lucy was in a state of pure pleasure asking for more and to go faster knowing she made the right choice.

To Natsu this was the best thing that had happened to him and he was happy on cloud nine,  knowing he gave his v-card to someone special. He hoped she will stay with him and create a family they could love.

Near the end of the love making they both said those words that made both of their knees go weak and give into that mind blowing orgasm.

"I Love You"

Just those words made them happy and look forward to the morning after....

Heyo people I saw that this book had quite a few reads and I was oh gosh and I know you were probs sad that it didn't have a lit if chapters but now I have the time so I plan to update it a lot.  And yeah I know this chapter is short but you know it was a cute idea that came to mind I hope y'all love it and also pls check out my other book I'll be updating that tooo and please give critique so I know what I can do better thank you lovelies.

Make sure to take care of yourselves and if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here I know it can be hard to talk to people but the offer is always there and I'll always make sure to respond ❤.
And that's my long author para done❤


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