Falling Angels Part 2

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It creeped towards her, haunting, terrifying whispering the same words over and over again.

"You don't deserve anything, I never wanted you, should've died when you fell!"

The alarm when off as the person got up. "the same dream again....its all *beep* (builds tension oui?)

fault oh *beep* is gonna pay!!!"

Meanwhile Lucy was on her way to school unaware of the steps behind her. Closer. Closer they got until........


"..ugh Lucy are you okay.." Lucy turned around and saw Natsu arm covered in blood and the attacker on the floor.

"Natsu!!! OMGOSH YOUR BLEEDING ARE OK! WE NEED TO GO TO A HOSPTIAL!!"She says while she drags him to one of the nearest hospitals which surprise surprise 2 minutes away! As soon as they got there the doctors got him bandaged up and they were on there way to school. After explaining what happened to their teacher they got into their seats (they were in same class that morning). Just by coincidence Lucy seat was right by the window and just before she lifted her head, a stone came hurtling crashing into the window ,smashing the window into smithereens, landing on the floor just of its target.

"AHHHHHH!!" the whole class was up trying to dodge the glass everywhere. But Lucy..she was the one hit the most. There was glass in her back not big but still there were pieces. "Someone go call the hospital! Everyone calm down!". The teacher walked over to Lucy.."Lucy..Lucy can you hear me?"

Lucy groaned as a yes. "Ok now just listen to me don't move ok the school nurse will be here in a minute" . Natsu was watching in the background with horror on his face he thought 'why why why her?'. Soon footsteps were heard in the corridor the nurse came in first followed by the head teacher. The school nurse rushed over to Lucy with a med kit in hand. "Ok listen here Lucy I'm going to remove the pieces that are easy to remove and then we'll the rest to the hospital ok"

"Nn..o.oo i.t.ts g..o..ing..t..to...hhurt.."She says through the pain.

"Its ok...just breathe ok"

He starts by removing the biggest pieces and when he removes them, they come out with blood dripping red. But she was lucky they didn't go in deep. Soon enough the ambulance came and she was put on her stomach and carried ot the hospital. "I'll call her parents" the Headmaster says to the School Nurse. He walks to his office picks up the phone and dials her parents.

(bold is parents, this is headmaster)

"Hello?" a rough voice answers.

"Hello is this Lucy's Father Jude Heartfilia, I'm just calling to let you know she has been escorted to the hospital and..."


"Mr Heartfilia please calm down and its *beep* hospital, she was hurt by glass from a window, it seemed someone wanted to hurt her or the students, we are not sure the school is investigating it now"

"*silence*.....*sigh*...just don't contact her mother...just please don't if you did you would put her in a life or death situation and you wouldn't like that anyways think you for calling me I will head over to the hospital now"

"Thank you sir and I won't contact her if those are your wishes please do update me later on of her condition goodbye"

After that call Mr Heartfilia rushed to the hospital and as soon he got the room number he rushed there bursting through her room doors to find her lying on her stomach facing the door talking to a pink hair boy while smiling and laughing.

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