Muggleborns of Hogwarts

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything of the Harry Potter franchise. I just thought of these and decided I should share. There's a ton of these going around, so if you recognize some of them from somewhere else, please tell me. I'm not trying to steal from anyone. I promise. 

Also, if you have something you want to add, please, message. Tell me how you'd like to be credited(if you want me to dedicate the chapter to you or mention you or both), and what your headcanon is. 

Thirdly, if you could, please vote and/or comment on the ones you like. It means the world to me. I know a lot of people say this, and, honestly, it's probably true for them as well as me. I love feedback from you guys. I swear I do, I'm not lying. And, as always, enjoy.

~Ariella M.

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