•Prologue• Where it all Started

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Midoriya's P.o.V

I always thought having friends was amazing... But now fuck making friends... They're just enemies waiting in disguise ready to cut you the first chance they get... Let me take you back to a few weeks ago.

There once was this boy, a blonde boy named Bakugo. You see I considered him a childhood friend at first, but he didn't give a shit about me at all, he would beat me up, burn up my work and do all other mean shit like telling myself to kill myself.

You see during the week following our internships someone tried to rob my house and proceeded to murder my mother right before my innocent eyes and that was my first leap to snapping.
The teachers and students of U.A gave me more attention and this royally pissed off Kacchan.
He branded it pointless and that my mother's death meant nothing but I already became numb to his taunts and his calls for me to kill myself.

Until one day... That one fateful day... I was just walking into class and saw Uraraka bruised up I tried to run to her but I knocked back by Iida's kick as the class surrounded her looking at me with a fierce hatred, but Bakugo was standing there smirking.

I tried to speak but had to dodge an attack from Kirishima.
They all said the Uraraka said I attacked her and Bakugo saw it.
Pathetic bastards... Why the fuck would I hurt the girl I love... Well loved...
Believing falsities over truth... I just reached school but hey I was indicted for no fucking reason...
The only one who believed me was Aizawa... Even all-might looked at me with disdain in his eyes and that shattered me.

All the taunting and jeering broke through.

The words that they said

"Your mother is much happier that she's dead... She doesn't have to raise a bastard like you"

"Go kill yourself"

"Do everyone a favour and die"

The taunting from those I once called friends...

"I hate them

I hate them




But that was when I was kidnapped...

I was knocked out and I awoke in a bar of some kind.

I was spoken to a man covered on prosthetic hands, he offered me power, a change for revenge and to be apart of a family.

I accepted immediately, all those wannabe heroes will need to face the consequences and I am the JUDGE, JURY AND EXECUTIONER!

But first I had to fake my death in a brutal suicide.
I was introduced to a villain called Dabi, we became acquaintances and then quickly became brothers.

We kidnapped a similar looking kid to me with green hair and Dabi burnt him to a crisp leaving a dead charred corpse.

We proceed to throw the body into my bedroom in my house and burnt the whole place to the ground.

The fire brigade came and found "my body" and the news was released that I was dead.

But I couldn't feel more alive.

That was the day the hero Deku died and from the ashes of his former life rose the villain of vengeance, Shadow
And this is my path to revenge
Starting by hitting them where it hurts, they disrespected and mocked my mother's death
So let's see who's left laughing when their families blood is spilt!

Get ready Musutafu, a blood bath is coming and there's nothing you can do to stop it

To be continued

Word Count: 604

(Will Rewrite) The Finer Things (Villian Deku x Toga AU)(MHA/BNHA)Where stories live. Discover now