A Secret

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I spent most of my time with Paul, I knew he felt guilty. But, I'm going to be fine. I made sure to tell him that, every single day. I also had to tell him I was pregnant...and everyone else, because I was rapped while I was in Phoniex. He got pissed, but he didn't phase. Mostly because I was hugging him, and made him take deep breaths with me.

Charlie told Rene and Phil, they were pissed that I didn't tell them. Right now, I was sitting in the Cullen's house, The Pack, their Imprints and The Cullens as well as Bella were here. I was on Paul's lap, as he had his arms wrapped around my waist holding me close.

"...Why didn't you say anything?" said Bella

"Because he's dead." I said

"Why didn't you tell any of us though? We know about-" started Kim

"Victoria. She killed him, She saved me. I didn't say anything, because she saved me. And I didn't want to know how any of you would react. She's trying to kill Bella for god's sake!" I threw my hands up

Paul tightened his grip around me, he buried his head in my neck and took a deep breathe. Calming himself down, Leah just growled.

"Why would she do that?" Emily asked

"It might be because she has James Venom in her. She has a part of him in her," said Carlisle

"What does that mean?" Jacob asked

"Will she come for her?" Sam asked

"That's a possibility." said Carlisle

Paul and Leah both growled low, Paul tightened his hold on me, I hissed a little. He let go and stood up quickly. I groaned in pain, and glared up at him. He flinched. I pointed at him,

"You, need to chill. I am fine, you're not going to hurt me again. Tell him!" I looked at Bella

"Why me?" she huffed

I just shrugged, she went over to Paul and slapped him upside the head.

"What she said, besides. She loves you," smiled Bella

I felt my face heat up, I grabbed a pillow off the couch and threw it at her. Paul grinned and lifted me up. Kissing my cheek, the others just laughed.

"Sorry to interrupt all of this happiness...but," Rosalie started

"I'm not sure what I'm going to do...I don't think I'm going to keep it though...but I don't..." I sighed

Paul just tightened his grip, and shrugged.

"There's still eight months to think about it." said Paul

"Yeah..." I nodded

"We'll be here for you. We'll all help you out," smiled Esme

The others nodded in agreement,

"You can stay with us..." said Emily

"I should probably stay here...I'm not exactly a human." I said

"Paul, you and the others can come over to see her. We're not going to stop you, but give us a heads up." said Carlisle

"We will." Sam nodded

Paul didn't let go, Rosalie rolled her eyes but smiled a little. I was amused, everything was going to be okay.
477 Words, Just a heads up. This is going to be a Sad ending.

"Every Time I see you, I fall in love again"

- unknown

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