Training, and To Emily's

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I couldn't help but snicker when Emmett was thrown, he instantly put me in a head lock and gave me a noogie. When the wolves showed up, I smiled at Paul.

"They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms." said Edward

"They came. That's what matters. Will you translate" said Carlisle

"Welcome, Jasper has experience with Newborns. Teach us how to defeat them." said Carlisle

"They want to know how the Newborns are different from us." said Edward

"They're a great deal stronger than us, because their human blood still lingers. Our kind is never more physically powerful than in our first several months of this life." said Carlisle

"Carlisle's right. That's why they're created. A Newborn Army doesn't need thousands like a human army and no human army can stand against them. Now the two most important things to remember are first, never let them get their arms around you. They'll crush you instantly. And the second, never go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that. And you will lose. Emmett." said Jasper

I was kind of enjoying this, it was kind of funny. I shook my head,

"My turn." I said

"No, you're not fighting." said Carlisle

Paul let out a low growl,

"He agrees. You'll be staying with Emily and Kim." said Edward

"I'm not going to stay on the sidelines. I'm not fully a human. Stop treating me like one." I snapped

"It's not because you're not fully human, it's because you're pregnant. Please, don't argue." said Rosalie

I huffed, and nodded.

"I'm going with them." I muttered

I got on Paul's back and he wagged his tail slightly, he was careful when moving though. He dropped me off at Emily's before going into the woods and changing into shorts. He came back out and pulled me into a hug, burying his face into my neck and taking a deep breathe before relaxing.

"My turn!~" Kim shouted

"No." Paul huffed

"...I've got something to tell you guys." I said

"Is it important? Like, a Serious Topic?" Seth asked

"I'd say so..." I said

Paul tightened his grip,

"It's about that night...isn't it." he said

"Yeah..." I said

"It's bad....isn't it..." said Emily

I shrugged, but nodded. We all went inside,

"It can wait until after the fight." I said

"We'll watch Paul's back." said Quil

He put his arm around me and grinned, I took a deep breathe and grabbed Paul's hand and squeezed it tightly.

"...I'm dying." I said

Emily dropped the plate she had in her hands, she got a cut on her leg and I held my breath and looked at Paul.

"What do you mean, you're dying.?" he said

"I can't keep down Food, I can't keep down Animal Blood. My body hurts...I can feel it." I said

Paul looked like he got kicked...worse, like he got stabbed in the heart. I glanced at Emily, Sam was putting a bandaid on her cut. I hugged Paul, and took a deep breathe, he wrapped his arms around me and buried his head into my hair.

"We have to do something. There has to be something we can do." said Embry

"Have you told the Cullens? I'm sure Carlisle would know something." said Jacob

I shook my head no,

"Bite me." said Kim

"What? No!" Jared & I said

I looked at her like she was crazy, Jared stood next to her closely as he eye'd me. Paul growled at him.

"She's going to die if we don't do anything!-I'm sure she hasn't tried human blood. That could save her!" said Kim

"It will. But I'm never, ever. Going to drink Human Blood, I would rather die." I said

"We'll fix this. We're not going to let you die." said Leah

"...Promise me, you'll keep a clear head out there and not die. All of you." I said

"We promise." the boy's said

"And try not to let Edward find out, he'll freak and Bella will get him to tell her what's wrong and then she'll do something stupid." I said

"We'll try. No promises." said Jared

I smiled, and nodded.
695 Words,

"Promises are the sweetest Lies."

- unknown

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