She was here?!

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I leaned down and wrapped my arms around Alice's shoulders as she leaned back into her chair,

"C'mon Bells, don't be so mean. The party is going to be epic. Just as Epic as Jessica's speech will be." I said

"Artemis! How are you feeling?" Angela asked

"Still hurts, but not as much as before." I said

"And the stomach?" Jessica asked

I knew she wasn't speaking in a bad way. I shrugged,

"Not that bad yet..." I said

"If anyone gives you a hard time..." said Mike

"Yeah, I know. Don't worry, you're not the only one who's told me that." I smiled

"Aren't you supposed to be resting?" said Jasper

"More like isn't your boyfriend worried?" smirked Edward

"Shut Up. I need to get out of the house." I said

"He's not her Boyfriend." said Bella

"Ooh, you got a boyfriend?~" said Jessica

"No!...he's need any help with those Angela?" I asked

~slight time skip, brought by a Distraction~

I stayed in Forks when Bella went to see Mom down in Florida. I didn't want to see her...or Phil. Not after what they were told. I held myself close as I sat in my bedroom, the others were out doing something...they wouldn't tell me. Just that I needed to stay home, but I found out what had happened when Bella got back and she told me...she also told me what Jacob had said and I was so going to slap him for it.

"Listen, we didn't tell you because you would have wanted to help...we couldn't risk you or the baby from getting hurt." said Esme gently

"She's going after my sister! She wants to kill her! Of course I would want to help catch her!" I threw my hands up in the air

"You have got to start thinking about yourself more...think about how Paul would have felt. He loves you, and you love him. We can all see it. Please, just...think of yourself more." said Rosalie

She stood in front of me and pulled me into a hug, I hugged her back and sighed.

"Okay..." I mumbled

"Spaghetti?" Esme smiled

"Yes Please!" I grinned

After Dinner, I was about to go to bed when Edward called...there was a stranger in the room. He could have killed Charlie! I just sat in the room with my arms crossed as I kept my anger in control. I took deep breaths, what were we going to do?

"Who was it? Someone we know?" Carlisle asked

"A stranger. I didn't recognize his sent." said Edward

"A nomad passing through." said Esme

"A passerby wouldn't have left Bella's father alive." said Rosalie

"The sent went away about five miles south of Bella's house." said Jasper

"Someone's Orchestrating this" said Carlisle

"Victoria?" Bella asked

"Hm...I'm sure Alice would have seen it if she was doing it." I shook my head

"It has to be the Volturi." said Edward

"The Crazy Blonde is going behind Freaky's Back! Oh my gosh!" I said with an eye roll

"None of them are crazy enough to do we just keep looking." said Emmett

"We'll also take shifts protecting Bella and Artemis at their house." said Carlisle

"Another protection detail?" said Rosalie

"Rosalie." said Carlisle softly

"No, she's right. You can't protect me & Artemis, watch my dad, or search for the intruder." said Bella

"And Victoria." said Rosalie

"And keep yourselves fed...and bring some Animal Blood back for Artemis." said Bella

"I'm not leaving you here defenseless....either of you." said Edward

"Well I'm not going to let you guys starve...or her." said Bella

"Hello! I've got Vampire Venom in me. I've got heightened everything. I'm not exactly defenseless...Plus, I'm Paul's Imprint. If anything lay's a hand on me or tries to he'll protect will the other boys. And we all know Jacob will keep Bella well protected. She'll be even more protected if she's with me. They protect me, I protect Bella. And Charlie, All you guys got to do is protect me." I said

"You're pregnant. I'm not going to-" Bella started

"You don't want to start that. I've been protecting you since the very beginning. I would die for you Bells. I would die for any of you, The Pack too." I said

"We'll talk to them in the morning," said Carlisle
735 Words,

"My first job is big sister and I take that very seriously."

- unknown

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