A cure of sorts...but there's a risk

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I sat up, eyes wide

"Paul!" I shouted

"Shh, it's okay! He's fine!" said Rosalie

She hugged me and rubbed my back as tears slipped from my eyes. Bella came running in with the others.

"1. I'm not going to yell at you because Esme and Rosalie already did, but...seriously? How long have you been putting me before yourself? And 2. Paul's okay, he's just worried for you." she frowned

"Ever since we were kids...Carlisle...I don't want to die." I cried

"I'm sorry Artemis," he sighed

I squeezed my eyes shut, as I cried. Rosalie just held me tighter, Bella said she would be right back and left. Edward following right behind her,

"...Do you know how long?" I choked

"A couple months at most...there's another thing." said Carlisle

"What?" I said

"Your child...he didn't make it. He was also gathering all of the Venom that was in you...even if we take him out, you'll still die. James-" he started

I shook my head, as I cried. He closed his mouth,

"Paul...he..." I choked

"Artemis!" Paul yelled

"Which Room?!" I heard Leah snap

The boys all came running in, Rosalie let go and backed away as Paul hugged me tightly. I hugged him back,

"I'm Sorry...I'm so sorry..." I sobbed

"It's not your fault...it's not..." he muttered

"Isn't there something you can do? Anything at all?!" Kim & Leah shouted at Carlisle

"Not without risk...and none of them are good. Both lead to death...one her's...and the other one. Others." said Carlisle

"I'm not drinking anyone's blood." I croaked out

Paul moved so he was sitting on the bed and I was sitting on his lap, he held me tightly. His face buried in my neck. I knew he was trying not to cry, his body shook. I shook my head as they moved to take me away from him. Jasper put his hands on Rosalie and Emmett's shoulder and shook his head with a frown.

"What's the other one?" Sam asked

"She becomes one of us." said Edward

Paul tightened his grip around me,

"...We'll need to talk about that...If we agree...and let you. Who would do it?" Sam said through gritted teeth

"Emmett." said Carlisle

"What??" Emmett and basically everyone but Edward and Paul said

"It's because he was the one who sucked out most of Jame's Venom from her when she got bitten. There are small traces of his Venom already in her...his Venom has been fighting off of Jame's. That's why she hasn't turned fully into a Vampire...or Died yet." said Carlisle

"So...his Venom, has been fighting off the freaking Leech who bit her first. It's been protecting her." said Paul

He was looking up at the others now, I put my hand on his and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"He only bit her on impulse...when he looked at Rosalie who was staring at you in horror...he just went in to try to save you. We had to tell him to 'reverse', because of the instinct." said Alice with a smile,

I giggled a little and he just glared at me,

"Can she come with us?" Seth asked Carlisle

"The Darker her eye gets...the more you should be careful from bleeding. Yes, she can." said Carlisle

Paul stood up, gently putting me down. He lifted me up into his arms and held me tightly.

"You two will be staying at our place," said Sam

He used a voice that made it so there was no room for arguing. Paul grumbled but agreed. I leaned up and kissed his cheek before laying my head on his chest and closing my eyes. I focused on his heartbeat, as I fell asleep in his arms.
635 Words,

"I don't want to Die"
- unknown

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