New Girl•Pilot pt.2

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Sweet pea and I walked into the cafeteria, as soon as I walked in he pointed to right side of the cafeteria. I saw Toni , fangs, and other people, I guess they were serpents too. I couldn't help but wonder why the right side and the left side of the cafeteria were split up with a fence. I was about to sit down when I heard someone shout "YO NEW GIRL" I turned around to see that fucker who had grabbed my hips when I was at my locker. I couldn't seem to remember his name. "You're lucky pea was there to save you, or you would be sitting here with us. Because we all know that you're not just the new girl , but you're my new bitch." I laughed and walked up to him,  he put his hands on my hips I put my hand on his dick and gripped it as if it was a sponge that I was supposed to wring out. I heard him squeal. I gripped harder and said "say that again and I'm plucking grapes" I looked down at my hand gripping his dick "or in your case raisins. Got it?! That goes for you little shits as well" I looked at the people behind him and then all nodded. I let go and walked away. I looked over at Toni and the serpents and they were all laughing. I sat down and Toni introduced me to the serpents. ( I'm not gonna name them) we decided to leave before lunch ended. "You can ride with me. You can leave your bike here and we can pick it up when schools over." I let out a small chuckle "I'm not leaving my baby here. You lead and I follow" he started laughing. We started our bikes and rode off. Turns out that sweet water river was on the northside of Riverdale. It was a nice place, though the stories about all the crazy bitches and the shit they did are pretty fucked up. I get that the southside is fucked up but damn the northside is like the southside's EVIL  FUCKED UP AND TWISTED long lost cousin or something. We arrived to the lake and I heard Toni say "shit, I didn't bring a bathing suit for you" I let out a small giggle, "relax, I  wasn't planning on swimming anyway." They all had a confused look "why?" They all said at once. "Well reason 1 I'm not going to get into water that had a dead teenager in it for like 3 months. And 2 I came because I wanted to ditch school and the river just sounded relaxing." They all laughed. I shrugged my shoulders and sat my happy little ass on my bike and began to sketch out the river along with the trees and the rocks. I sat on the ground and put my headphones on. I began to listen to relaxing music. I put the song "take me to church" by Hozier. I watched fangs , and Toni swim. I noticed that sweet pea was no longer in the water. I didn't pay much attention to it though. I closed my eyes and vibed. I felt some air brush against my skin. I opened my eyes and saw sweet pea sitting next to me. His hair was wet and drops of water were rolling down his face. Not going to lie, sweet pea was attractive. And he looked adorable with wet hair. Fangs and Toni got out of the water not to long after sweet pea. We talked and laughed ,I was bit more quiet right there at the moment but I still spoke. When Toni and fangs finished drying off they got dressed. "Alright bitches" Fangs said in a petty girl like voice I shook my head and smiled "we're" he went over to his bike and pulled a 6 pack of Heinekens out of his book bag. He passed them around. I took one and opened it with my keys. I wasn't really one to drink. I'll smoke yes but drinking wasn't my thing, just the fact that it fucks up your whole mindset and the way you think, but I felt like having a little fun. I took small sips, nothing serious. "Alright. Who wants to play truth or dare?" Toni said sounding excited we all nodded. "Me first" Fangs said. "Sweet pea, truth or dare?" SP looked at him and said "truth" pussy move I thought to myself "hmmm. Are you still a virgin?" SP hesitated before he answered. "No" I don't know why I laughed but I laughed. "Who's next?". "ME!" Toni shouted. I giggled a little bit. "Carmen" my head shot up "truth or dare?" I chuckled and looked at her "dare" she smirked "I dare you tooooo, give sweet pea a hickey." I looked at sweet pea and he looked back at me. "Only if he's ok with it" i said hesitantly I looked at him, he shrugged his shoulders, laughed , and then he nodded. He patted his lap signaling for me to straddle him I guess? I slightly got up and moved closer to him. I got on top of his lap, I was straddling him, my inner thighs were on either side of his thighs. I looked at Toni "do I just put it wherever or does he get to choose where he wants it?" She said "it's your dare so you choose." I nodded "tilt your head please" I chuckled a little. I Lightly pressed a kiss on the serpent tattoo he has on his neck. I started to suck on it lightly. I cupped his face with one hand and gripped his hair with the other. I heard a small moan escape his lips. His tattoo must have secretly been his sweet spot. When I was done I blew air on his now readish purplish hickey. I got off of him and sat back down. Fangs and Toni looked at eachother then at me then at SP then at the hickey I had left on his tattoo. They both started laughing. "Alright, I'm next" I shouted "FANGS" he looked me in the eye. "Yes?" I chuckled "truth or dare?" He smiled "truth" I smirked "have you ever done the dirty in a car at a drive in movie?" I saw his face go blank but he started smiling nervously. He then started to blush. "Aww that's cute" I said sarcastically. We all started to laugh. I looked at my phone "oh shit. It's late , I better head home." They nodded. We were not drunk, so we were good to ride. We rode in a little group all the way to sunny side. I arrived to my trailer and sweet pea was right behind me. Toni and Fangs has already left. "You can go now shaggy. I'm pretty sure no ghoulies will be here." He chuckled. I walked into my house only to find my mom drinking once again. She was listening to sad Spanish music and had like 12 empty bottles of liquor next to her. She was balling her eyes out, I really don't like to see her like that. I sighed and walked back out. I lit a cigarette and got on my bike. I looked over to sweet pea , who was still there just staring at me. He took his phone out and looked at the camera, he chuckled a little bit "Where'd you learn to give hickeys like that?" He said practically trying not to bust out in tears of laughter. "Same place I learned to do other stuff." I playfully winked at him. "Hey, are you hungry?" I heard him say "kind of, why?" He looked at me and said "hop on" I looked at him with a confused look but I hopped on anyway. We rode for about 20 minutes and soon we arrived at a diner on the northside. "Jee , for a southsider and a serpent you sure as hell do come over to the north side a lot." He chuckled "yeah, I would take you to the Whyte Wyrm but I noticed that you don't really like to drink, and well I don't think I it's a good idea to get full off of beers." "Good point". We walked in and sat at one of the booths. A very friendly man came up to us and took our orders. Sweet pea ordered first "can I have a strawberry milkshake and a side of fries" the man smiled and nodded. "And for you young lady?" I looked at him "can I just get a strawberry milkshake with a cherry? Please" he smiled as he turned around and walked away. Sweet pea and I didn't speak , we just looked around. It was that way for about 5 minutes. "Damn girl, you're fine" some guy with a blue and yellow letterman's jacket came and sat next to me, he than put his arm over my shoulder. "What the fuck?" I pushed the guy off and gave him a death glare. He looked at me and then looked at sweet pea, he must've seen the hickey I had to give him. "Oh I see, you're another one of sweet peas sluts, hasn't you're little boy toy told you? ,southsiders shouldn't be over here. It's dangerous." I looked at him and scoffed. "First of all don't throw yourself onto me A STRANGER , then call me a slut. Second of all if you keep talking the only thing that's going to be dangerous is me. you have about 2 seconds to get out of my face and leave me alone before I shove my leather boot down your throat." I looked at him and scoffed. Sweet pea got up and stood in front of him "chuck.leave.her.ALONE. She isn't someone you want to mess with". Chuck scoffed "oh yeah because I'm scared of a girl". Sweet pea chuckled "remember how I gave you that black eye a few months ago? She'll do worse things like , let's say scrape your eyeballs out using an ice cream scooper and feed it to Archie's dog." the guy looked at me and went to go sit at a booth along with other guys wearing the same letterman's jacket. Sweet pea sat back down "Are you ok?" I looked around then I looked at him "NOOO. I think that fucker just passed rabies to me or something when he touched me, I think I need to go to the E.R" he smiled "ok we'll go.. RIGHT AFTER, you finish your food." I chuckled "you know what, I feel better already no need for a doctors attention." He chuckled. We spoke for about 3 more minutes and the man who had took our order came back. He handed us our food, and smiled "I'm pop." He said with a smile. I looked at him , I was feeling happy so I just smiled and said "Carmen" he looked over at sweet pea who was stuffing his face with fries. "What?!" Sweet pea said. I kicked him on the leg and looked at pop "oh, I'm sweet pea" pop smiled, he must've heard the conversation we had with chuck, "you guys may be from the southside but you're always welcome here in my shop." Sweet pea and I smiled and pop walked away. We finished our food and decided to leave. I felt comfortable with sweet pea , Toni , and fangs. I don't know what it was about them. It's usually hard for me to make friends especially when everyone in LA called me a weirdo just because I was anti-social and didn't talk to anyone. I wasn't always that way, but something happened and I just decided to stay away from most people. We arrived to my trailer and hopped off of sweet peas bike. I walked away with out saying good bye or even make eye contact with him. "I had fun today. I usually don't get along with people I don't know." He said hesitantly I chuckled "I feel you." I still didn't look back at him. I opened my door and looked inside, I found my mother on the floor knocked out cold. "Oh my fucking god" I said under my breath. I sighed and suddenly I heard sweet pea speak again "Are you ok?" I turned around and rolled my eyes "I'm fine. Just go home shaggy." He started his bike and rode off. I walked inside and looked at my mom. Tears filled my eyes. I shook my head and picked her up gently and laid her on the couch. She was a small women so it was easy. I picked up the bottles and turned off her music. I went to my room and took a late night shower. Then I thought to myself, shit I didn't get anyone from the gangs number. I shrugged my shoulders. I got out of the shower and dried my hair. I change into some sweats and put a sports bra on. I got on my bed and looked at my phone. I then got a notification from Instagram. I had 6 new followers.
@sweet._pea started following you
@toni._ started following you
@serpent.fangs started following you
@J.oaquin started following you
I followed them all back and went to sleep thinking about the crazy day I had.

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