Chaos is in the air

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"How about we skip school today?" I asked pea. "Sounds like a plan, what do you wanna do before we go pick Nico up?" I chuckled "let's go get a milkshake." He smiled and nodded. We got up off of the bed and walked out the bedroom door and into the living room. I grabbed my jacket that was hanging on the edge of a chair and threw it on. I walked over to the fridge, grabbed a bottle of my moms 'Stella rosa' and took a sip. Pea looked at me biting his lip as if he was trying not to laugh. "Dude stop you're going to drive." I chuckled a little "a sip isn't shit." He raised his eyebrows in awe "ok.." I grabbed the keys to my challenger and opened the door. "Ladies first" I said giggling at pea who scoffed and walked out the door. "Jackass" He said under his breath. He began walking down the stairs and when he finally got down "oh yeah!" I shouted and I jumped on his back. "I was expecting that." He said while grabbing hold of my thighs and running over to my car where he then sat me down on the ground. "Never gets old. Get in chump I'm hungry." I unlocked the car and sat inside. I turned the radio on and It immediately began to play "highway to hell" by AC/DC (one of my many favorite rock bands). I began to back up and then we were on outlet way to Pops. As we arrived I saw 2 cheerleaders inside sitting at a booth but they were accompanied by my 2 personal favorite female serpents, Cheryl and Toni. They were and are the cutest. Pea and I walked in and we were immediately greeted by Toni and Cheryl. "Heyy" they both said at the same time. "Hey there children." Sweet pea looked at them "heyy to you too." He said in a mockingly funny tone. "I'm going to go get a booth." I nodded at him and he walked right past us. The sent of his cologne mixed with cigarette  filled the air around Cheryl,Toni, and I. I really loved that smell. But clearly I wasn't the only one. I saw one of the girls who was sitting with Cheryl get up and follow him to the booth he was walking to. I rolled my eyes and looked at my phone. Cheryl looked at them and then back at me. "You and pea are so cute together, are you really going to let one of those girls go and steal your happiness?" I chuckled "his life his choice." Toni looked concerned "I agree with Cheryl, I see the way he looks at you. It's kind of hard to believe you guys haven't at least hooked up." My face got red "right?!" I said nervously. "I'm going to go wash my hands. Excuse me." And I rushed to the bathroom. I turned on the sink and rinsed off my hands. I stood there looking at my phone for a bit. When I walked out I saw Toni and Cheryl walk in front of me. "don't go out there." They both said looking at me and then at each other. "Why?" I said with a confused look. "Because. Just don't." I ignored them and walked past them. As I walked out I saw pea... and the cheerleader was on his lap... and she was shoving her tongue down his throat. I acted as if I didn't see them and walked over to the counter. I cleared my throat. "Pop, can I get a cherry coke please?" He smiled "sure thing cas" he grabbed a glass bottle of cherry coke and removed the cap. I handed him $1.00 "thanks pop." He nodded and smiled. I stormed out of pops and walked over to my car. I sat there and plugged my headphones into the jack of my phone and began blasting Metallica. I laid my seat down and just tapped my fingers on the side door at the beat of the song. A million thoughts ran through my head. But at least now I had my answer from earlier. I closed my eyes and 20 minutes later I heard someone shut the door of my car. I popped up and saw pea and the girl in the back seat of my car... MAKING OUT. "Oh my fucking god." I grabbed my phone and got out. I walked to the nearest corner. And took out a cig. A single tear rolling down my face. I sat down on the side of the rode. I heard footsteps so I wiped the tear off and took a puff of my cigarette. "Casper?" I heard 3 guys say at once. I turned around to see jughead,fangs,and FP. I smiled "oh hey guys. What are you doing here?" Fangs answered "well at the moment, I'm watching one of my close friends look upset and smoking a cigarette and it's pretty well known that she only does that when somethings wrong. So enlighten me. What's wrong." I chuckled a little bit "my cat died." FP let out a small chuckle "you don't own a cat you crack head." I scoffed "yeah, well.. not anymore." Jughead raised his eyebrow and elbowed FP. "Ow, what?!" Jughead pointed at my car. "Or maybe it's the fact that sweetpea is making babies with a cheerleader in the backseat of Carmen's new car." FP scoffed. "That explains a lot." They looked at me. "What the fuck do you mean?! He's doing what-in my-HUH?!" I ran over to my car and opened the car door. "Alright. Get dressed and get the fuck out of my car." Sweetpea looked at me like I was crazy and the cheerleader gave me a death stare. "NOW. You little bitch before I yank out your fake lashes with my teeth. And you pea put your clothes on and get in the front seat NOW." They both got dressed and the bitch laid a kiss on peas cheek and walked out. Pea smirked at her as he watched her. He then looked at me and gave me the 'what the fuck I'm going to kill you' look. "Don't look at me like that. If I don't let you eat food in here what makes you think I want some crab infested bitches juices and your semen all over the backseat of my car?!" He walked up in front of me and to my face and began shouting. "WHAT THE FUCK! YOU CANT BE PULLING SHIT LIKE THAT WITH ME!" I began to sarcastically laugh "YOU ARE SO FUNNY. WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU CAN FUCK RANDOM BITCHES IN THE BACK OF MY CAR?! HUH!" He took a deep breath. "WHY THE FUCK DO YOU EVEN CARE?" I rolled my eyes "I CARE BECAUSE I - YOU KNOW WHAT I DONT HAVE TO EXPLAIN MYSELF TO YOU. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FACE." He crossed his arms and calmed himself down. "No. I demand you tell me why you give a flying fuck." I gave him the finger "you can't demand me to tell you shit." I pushed him out of my way. "What? Do you think that just because we've been fucking on the low we're suddenly and item?! Get the fuck out of LA-LA land." And in that moment all eyes were on me. I got up out of my car and looked at him. "Fuck you!" I threw a punch at him and hit him in the jaw. I felt his jaw pop as I did so. I got into my car and started it. I pulled out of the pops parking lot and drove off. I drove over to my house and sat on my bed thinking about everything that had just happened. I laid down on my bed and just cried. I fell asleep crying. I woke up to the sound of banging on my door. I looked at my phone to see that it was 12:38 in the afternoon. I got up and walked over to the door of my trailer. I opened the door and saw Toni,Cheryl,fangs, and to my surprise sweet pea. I scoffed after I made contact with pea. I made way for them to pass. They all walked in and hugged me. "Guys I had a temper outburst this morning, I didn't die and Resurrect." They all chuckled "damn she can go through hell and back and will never let go of her snarky comments." Fangs said looking through my fridge. "So how can I help you guys?" Toni looked at me "can't your friends just come over and chill?" I chuckled "yeah but considering I had a heated argument with that-" I said pointing over to pea "and you guys brought him here. Somethings up. So I ask again. How can I help you guys?" Cheryl smiled. "We need you guys to make up." I scoffed and pointed to my door "hahha" I let out a sarcastic laugh "get the fuck out." I said smiling. "Just hear us out." I shook my head. "I don't really care so you know what, pea you're forgiven or just imagine me saying what ever the fuck you want to hear. There you go. It's done. Forgive and forget." I walked over to my room and was about to open the door when suddenly I felt someone pick me up. It was fangs. He ran over to pea and sat me down right in front of him. "Talk." I looked at fangs. "You see that purple mark on peas jaw? I gave that to him and as much as I love you fangs, I could give you one at any moment." He chuckled "noted. But seriously. TALK." I shook my head "there is nothing to talk about. It's his life and his decisions. I'm nothing of his so I can't have a saying in what he does with his life or who he does in his life. It's that simple." Pea scoffed. And I let out a small comment "What's got your panties in a twist princess? You're not the one with hand prints and the smell of ocean and Doritos in the back of their car." He raised his eyebrows. "Is that what you're mad about? You're mad about me fucking a bitch in your car?!" I shook my head "NO! I AM MAD AT THE FACT THAT YOU DONT STOP TO THINK ABOUT SHIT. I AM MAD AT THE FACT THAT WHAT YOU MADE ME FEEL AT POPS MADE ME WANT TO DRIVE OFF OF A CLIFF AND DIE! I-" I took a deep breath and felt my anger and my 'sadness' combine and make a bubble that was ready to burst at any moment. With tears filling my eyes I continued  "I'm mad at the fact that.. I like you. You know what? I might even love you. And if you hate me then hate me. But I- I can't control the way I feel. And I hate the fact that when I'm around you I can't control anything about myself. And the worst part is that now I have to live with the fact that I was stupid enough to fall for you. And when I let that show, you exposed the shit we did. So you know what. You're a twat and I don't want to see you. GET THE FUCK OUT- out of my house before I-I" I began feeling pain in my stomach. I fell to the ground and grabbed my stomach and shouted in pain the tears I was holding back began to fall. "Cas! Casper! Answer me!" Sweet pea began to hover over me "it hurts! Ow ! PEA GET THE FUCK OFF YOU ARE NOT HELPING." He looked up at the group "CALL AN AMBULANCE NOW!" And suddenly I blacked out and when I woke up I was in a Gurney in a hospital room.

The New Girl | Sweet PeaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz