Chaos in the air pt.2

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And suddenly I blacked out and when I woke up I was in a Gurney in a hospital room.
I let my eyes adjust to the lighting before I began to move around. I looked to my left side and was surprised to see sweet pea. I didn't feel like talking to him but I was curious and wondering as to why I was in the hospital and why this little fuck was next to me. "What happened?" I said in a low  and grumpy voice as I tried to sit up. Peas head popped up and he was about to say something when the nurse walked in. "Great, miss Delgado. You're awake. I have great news." She gave me a smile and looked at sweet pea. "Your baby is fine. All you-" I sat up completely "EXCUSE ME?! BABY? WHAT BABY?!" She gave me a confused look "you're  5 weeks pregnant. So it's probably best if you stay stress free and don't argue a lot." pea looked at me "she's pregnant?" I looked at him and scoffed " did she stutter?!" I shot back at him,rolled my eyes, and scoffed.  The nurse walked over to pea "Sir, I think you should leave. You seem to be the reason why she's in this bed at the moment." I shot a glare at pea "leave him be" the nurse gave me a confused look "if you need anything I'll be outside." I nodded as she walked out. "Why didn't you tell me before?" I rolled my eyes "PEA. Do you really think I knew That I was pregnant before?!" He took a deep Breath "I meant why didn't you tell me that you loved me before?" Pea said in a deep voice. "Because of our deal. It doesn't matter anymore. You practically said it yourself. 'We fucked on the low and that doesn't mean we're an item so I need to get the fuck out of LA-LA land'. Right?" I scoffed and pulled the needles they had taped on my arm out gently. "What are you doing?" Pea asked "I'm getting ready to get the fuck out of here and go home where I'm not surrounded by people who hate me. And don't worry. You'll no longer have to  be a father. I'll abort this kid and I'll be out of your life. You can fuck anything that walks if you want just not me. Don't talk to me. Don't look at me. Just nothing with me. You made it pretty clear you wanted nothing to do with me so I'm making it easy for you." I got up and grabbed my jeans and slipped them on. I threw my shirt on and my jacket. "Oh and um, tell that girl you were fucking in my car that I say to wear protection. See ya pea" I walked out of the room and the nurse ran over to me "miss where are you going?" I rolled my eyes and kept walking "home." She got in front of me "no miss you can't go home right now. We still have to run te-" I laughed sarcastically and then stopped and glared at her "listen lady I'm in this hospital because I've been stressed and right now you're not helping so you can either discharge me or I'm going to file a complaint." I raised my eyebrows at her "wait one second" then I heard someone jog over behind me. I turned around to see pea. I turned around again and began walking to the nearest elevator "Carmen! Wait." I gave him the finger as I made my way to the elevator. I pushed the button and the stupid shit was taking for ever "I DONT WANT YOU OUT OF MY LIFE OK?!" Pea shouted at me "yeah well you should've thought of that before you treated me like I was just some slut you picked up off of an alley. You should've thought about that before you hated me for loving you. You should-" suddenly I was cut off. Pea grabbed me by the arm and turned me around kinda like in the movies. And as you would expect, he was kissing me. I pulled away from him . I told him "fuck off you twat ." The nurse jogged over to me and gave me the sign out sheet "just be careful." She said looking at me and the glaring at pea. And finally the elevator opened. I ran in and pressed the level 1 button to head out and then the doors closed. Once I got out of the hospital  I was about to call my mom but then I went through my voicemail seeing that I had a new voicemail from her
"Hey Carmen I don't know where you are right now but I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be out of town for a few weeks. I left you money and the things you need in the trailer. I love you. Take care." I scoffed "great. I'm pregnant, my moms out of town, and my baby daddy is a dick."  I closed my eyes and leaned against a wall. About 3 minutes had passed when suddenly I heard a deep voice speak to me "Carmen..please." I opened my eyes to see pea with small tears rolling down his cheek and standing in front of me. I sighed "pea you made your choice now move along." He shook his head "only I didn't make a choice." I crossed my arms over my chest "ok then. Maybe you haven't but I sure as hell have." He wipes his tears "can we at least talk about this then?" I rolled my eyes "I don't want to talk to anyone right now, and quite frankly even if I did I'm sure it wouldn't be you." And that was a lie. I wanted pea. I wanted to jump in his arms and have him hold me and I wanted to talk to him. I needed to talk to him. But showing how soft I really was got me to where I was. He walked over to his bike that was parked in front of the hospital "get on." He said revving The motorcycle engine. "No" I said annoyed and full of sass with a little bit of confidence. "Carmen. I'm only going to tell you once more. Get.on" I chuckled and rolled my eyes "and I'm only going to tell you once more. Fuck.Off." He got off his bike and ran over to me "please! Carmen please! Get on the damn bike." I shoved him out of my way and sat on the bike. "Take me home mad then maybe I'll take a conversationin between us into consideration." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath "ok.." he hopped on and I hesitated to wrap my arms around him.

We arrived to my trailer and I hopped off his bike "where's your mom?" I took the keys out of my pocket and opened the door "out." I said in a plain voice
. "Can I come in so we can talk?" I hesitated but then slowly nodded without turning around or making any sort of contacts with the brown haired guy . I walked in and headed over to the fridge. I pulled out a gallon of rocky road ice cream. I opened the kitchen counter door  and grabbed a spoon. I sat on the counter "shouldn't you go pick up Nico?" I asked pea with a mouth full of ice cream. "He can wait." I scoffed "so what now I'm your top priority?" He sat on the couch "well you are the mother of my child." I raised my eyebrows "not for long. Soon there will be no baby." He held his face in both of his palms. "Listen I'm sorry ok?! I'm sorry about everything! But I'm not sorry about fucking that cheerleader." His voice was muffled. I laughed sarcastically "good for you I don't ca-" I was cut off "Carmen, let me finish. I don't regret it because when I saw you in that hospital bed I thought I was going to lose you." Suddenly pea got up off of the couch and walked towards me. When he finally reached me he stood in between my legs and put his hands down on the counter on on either side of me. He then began to speak again "and thinking that I was as going to lose you made me realize that I don't want to lose you..I don't want to lose you in this life time or the next." I gave him a fake smile hoping that my sarcasticness would make me not want to cry "that's a great story. It really is." My voice began to crack and I felt that familiar feeling in my throat. A single tear rolled down my cheek. I lightly pushed him away from me and I hopped off of the counter "pea, I need to think. I want to clear my mind right now. So can you uh..I dont know, maybe get out" i said pointing to the door. He looked away from me and clenched his fist "ok" he said in a low voice. He walked out the door and I closed it. I turned around and leaned on the door, slowly sliding down. How could I let this happen to me?

*it took balls to write this chapter*

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