The Cave

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Harry sat down in front of Niall, explaining his life story.

"So, you really don't know where you are from?"

"No, all I know is that I am not from this planet."

"Wow. I uh, I can't believe that after 5 hours. I still can't wrap my head around this. Like... you are legit Superman. There are comic books about you, movies, tv shows, like.. what the hell."

"Well, technically he's Supergirl." Gemma said, sitting down next to them with a glass of wine.

"Yeah that's another thing. Why the gender change?"

Harry sighed. "Well the night I saved the plane, the pilot and Louis said that they saw a girl. Everyone on social media referred to me as a girl. Because my long hair covered my face and I guess I have a feminine body-"

"Hell yeah you do. Like damn Harry I wish I had your body." Gemma hiccuped. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, everybody thought that me disguised as a girl would be a way better and safer way to secure my identity."

"Hm, does sound smart." Niall nodded. "Okay so, in Superman. Kryptonite comes from his home planet. If this thing is the same affect on you could it be from your planet?"

"Uhm I don't know."

"Well if it's from his planet then why would it hurt him, he used to live there."

"Well Kal-El got his powers from the yellow sun, his planets sun was blue. So because the yellow sun gave him powers on earth, kryptonite hurts him on earth. But then again kryptonite was a radioactive element, because of the explosion of Krypton. So if your planet exploded then this could be a radioactive element from your planet."

Harry stared at him. "You make my head hurt."

"He's right." Robin's voice was heard. Everyone turn their heads to him.

"That stone in there was a radioactive crystallized osmium."

"Osmiwhat?" Niall asked.

"Osmium is a chemical element found in the periodic table. The atomic number is 76. It's a type of metal." Robin explained. "It was discovered in 1803, by a scientist who was looking into caves. He found them fascinating until he stumbled across one with this metal. When he found it his wife claimed that he wasn't the same. He began experimenting with it. A few months later he went back into that cave and it crumbled down on him. He left all of his studies and notes to his wife."

"Oh wow."

"The good news is, I manage to break it down, and realize it reacts the same as you. So I made a small spray of water with silver particles, I sprayed a little over it, which means it shouldn't give off the power it has. Just like you Harry."

They all got up and followed Robin to his lab. He didn't feel sick or tired. Which he was glad of.

"So I noticed the rock doesn't glow blue when you're not a around. It's just white silver color. But when you come near it. It turns blue."


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