The Trunk

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Harry sat at his parents house, he stared hard at the trunk that never managed to open. He tapped his finger on the side of his forehead thinking about how he could open it. Suddenly, his eyes widen, thinking about how stupid he was to not try this before. He stood up taking his ring off. He tossed it on the couch, then grabbed the trunk and walked to the backyard.

He threw it harshly on the ground. When that didn't work, he grabbed it again and flew high on the sky. He let it drop, watching it go down and hit the ground. A large ball of dirt flew from the ground, the trunk leaving a deep hole in the yard. He flew back down and frowned when that didn't work as well. His blood started boiling, he lasered the lock with his eyes. It didn't melt. Harry kicked it, then started throwing punches at him.

Anne came out of the house, confused as to all of the ruckus happening outside. When she saw Harry punching the hell out of the trunk, she called for Robin. Both Robin and Gemma came out, a stunned face plastered on their face. They exchanged worried looks, Gemma walked down the steps of the porch calling out for Harry.

"Harry! Harry stop!" Gemma she yelled. Harry stopped punching the trunk, yet not a single scratch was on it. He looked over to Gemma, pissed off.

"I just can't fucking open it!" He yells in distress. He then picks it up with a single finger. The finger grazed a sharp edge of the trunk, slicing his skin. He dropped the trunk a the stinging feeling, blood started dripping from his finger and landed on the trunk. The thing began to glow, and popped open. Harry stared at it. No expression on his face. He looked over to robin, then his finger that had already healed. With no emotion at all he walked in the house, and slammed the door behind him. After all that trouble, and this is what opens it?

The family surrounded the trunk, there was a single journal in there. Wrapped around it was a golden chain, with a blue crystal in the middle. Harry picked up the pendant, staring at the blue round, crystal. "It's pretty." He says.

"This journal says gibberish. I've never seen these symbols before." Robin says, trying to read the journal. Harry took it from him and was even more confused than Robin.

"Ugh. Is this it?" Harry complain.

"I guess so." Gemma says.

"Robin will run more tests, now that it's open." Anne says, grabbing his wrist in a comforting manner.

Harry sighed, visibly disappointed. He looked down at the pendant, he decided to try it on to see if it looked good at him at least. Gemma helped him clip it behind his neck. He got up and held the crystal in his hand, he flinch when a piece of light flash from the crystal. A tall man with dark hair and green eyes stood before him. Harry's first instinct was to put his family behind him.

"Hello Kali-Anu. It is I your father Zoritu-Anu. Assuming it is your blood that opened the chest for you to retrieve this message has lead me to think that you have landed on Earth safely. You might question yourself, where did you come from, and who is your family. Why you were separated from us. Unfortunately, I do not have time to time to explain now. But on earth I have a friend who might give you the answer to all of your questions. His name is Mercury Zahn. Find him. And he will explain to you what went down here on Revertah. Your home planet. I hope you are safe and well, son." The man said. He then disappeared back into the crystal. Harry didn't move. He looked at the spot that the man stood. He darted his eyes across the room then turned to look at his family.

"Was that meant for me?" He asks. They all look at each other, Robin steps in front of him and holds his sons hands.

"Harry, I think you are Kali-Anu. Your blood opened up the trunk."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2019 ⏰

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