Chapter 5

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Wolverine had been driving, or in other words speeding, for less than five minutes before Pyro let out an annoyed sigh from where he sat with the others and leaned forward.

            “I don’t like uncomfortable silences.” Pyro said as he leaned forward.

            “What are you doing?” Rogue asked but only got him to roll his eyes at her.

            Pyro turned on the radio and ‘Bye, bye, bye’ came on causing them all to let out a groan of annoyance. He kept searching for a good song but after he came back to the same station he ended up turning it back off, much to everyone’s relief, and leaned back into his seat.

            “This is going to be a long trip…”

            “Do you even know where you’re going?” Havok asked as Wolverine took another turn.

            “No… we’re just making sure Stryker didn’t follow us, then we’re going to look for the others and help them.”

            Bobby sat up straighter and looked around. “We can go to my place. My parents are usually on vacation at this time of year.”

            “Great so how do I get there?” Wolverine growled.

            “Turn around and go left, we should get to my town by morning if you keep speeding.”

            Wolverine rolled his eyes. “Wonderful.”

            They continued to drive in complete silence other than the purr of the engine. Rogue fell asleep an hour into the drive and Pyro played with his lighter, making Bobby glance at the flames warily. When Pyro noticed he acted like he was going to burn him but Havok took the lighter from him.

            “We are in a car and do you know what you put in a car to make it move?” Havok snapped.

            “Gasoline, everyone knows that.” Pyro replied arrogantly.

            “And what happens if you mix that with fire?”

            “An explosion.” Bobby replied before Pyro could.

            Havok nodded. “I for one don’t feel like dying right now but if you have a death wish I’m sure Wolverine or I could stop the car and arrange it.”

            Wolverine let out a short bark of laughter and Pyro turned slightly paler than he already was, after that he stayed still and decided the dark landscape outside looked very interesting. Havok smirked before going back to his thoughts and slowly drifting off into sleep.

            Havok looked around, he remembered this trip. It was a month after the wedding. Paiton and him had gone to Hawaii as their first trip around the U.S. He wandered around the tropical beach until he saw a familiar sight. Paiton ran over to him and he embraced her, letting himself forget it was a dream and pretending she was still safe with him. Suddenly he felt as if his chest was freezing, his breathing became shallow and he coughed, Paiton gave him a concerned look before backing away and fading. He tried to reach out and stop her but collapsed as he continued to struggle for breath. The scene changed, now he was in the dark and tried to figure out what was going on. He saw Stryker as he walked out of the shadows. Stryker saw him struggling to stay conscious and laughed darkly.

            “You’ll never see her again.”

            Havok glared at him and tried to get back up but his strength was failing him, his chest felt numb and he felt like the cold was spreading. “Let… her go.”

            “You can’t stop me. You’re too weak to even save yourself.” Stryker motioned a gun he was holding to Havok’s chest. When he looked down he saw that what he thought was ice or frost from Paiton was actually his blood.

            Havok watched helplessly as it continued to spread out, Stryker continued to chuckle before aiming the gun at him again.

            “Any last words hero?” He sneered at Havok’s dying form before shooting him in the head.

            Havok fell back onto the ground and the world turned red around him.

            “…Havok, Havok! Wake up it’s your turn to drive.” Wolverine shouted as he shook him awake.

            Havok jolted like he’d been shocked and opened his eyes. “What, where are we?”

            “A gas station. We’re halfway there and I want some sleep, now get up front and drive.”

            Havok got out and saw Rogue had a worried look on her face, he tried to forget the dream but unconsciously rubbed his chest to check for blood or any wound as he sat down in the drivers seat.

            “Are you okay?” Rogue asked quietly as he drove towards the city.

            “Of course I am, I just don’t usually wake up to an animal with metal claws yelling at me.” Havok lied.

            “Hey watch what you call me.” Wolverine grumbled as he tried to stay awake long enough to argue with him.


            In a flash metal claws were lightly touching his head. “Don’t say it again or you’ll feel first hand why I have the name Wolverine.”

            Havok’s breathing became shallower until Wolverine slid his claws back into his body. After that they went slightly again except for light snores that said Wolverine was finally asleep. He drove through the deserted streets as the dawn rays started to appear in the East, they entered the city and Havok slowed down so they didn’t get caught by any cops or get into any wrecks. He turned around and woke up Bobby and Pyro, he got ready to wake up Wolverine but decided it would be wiser not to.

            “Okay we’re here now how do we get to your house?”

            Bobby rubbed his eyes and looked outside. “Take a right at the stop sign up ahead… then go straight three blocks and take a left.”

            Havok followed his directions until they reached the last turn. “What house?”

            “The white one without any cars in the driveway.”

            He pulled into the drive and they got out of the car, Bobby walked to the front door and entered the password into the security system, the door unlocked and they walked inside.

            “Well the kitchen is over there if you want something to eat or drink… and the bathroom’s down the hall.” Bobby told them as he walked to the family room.

            “Uh, Bobby do you happen to have any clothes I could wear?” Rogue asked as she walked inside in her pajamas.

            “I think some of my mom’s clothes might fit you come on.” He turned to Pyro. “Don’t burn anything.”

            He led her upstairs and showed her some of the clothes. “I found some of my mom’s old clothes… I think they’re from before I was born.”


            He walked out of the room so she could change and heard a surprised shout come from the kitchen. 

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